‘Oh F**k, a Flying Buck’: Deer Leaps Over Raccoons on Trail Cam
“Y’all Caption This One,” wrote Georgia Outdoor News (GON) about a reader-contributed photo submission. The trail-cam photo shows a deer leaping high above a couple of raccoons. Since it’s nighttime in the photo, we assume the raccoons scared the living daylights out of that buck, and it’s now showing off its impressive hops.
Our suggested caption is from the raccoons’ point of view. We’re sure they’re thinking: “Oh f**k, a flying buck!”
Here’s more from GON about the unique photo.
“Edgar Vergara, of Jasper [Georgia], captured this amazing trail-camera photo in Pickens County on Oct. 22 at 3 a.m,” GON wrote. ‘I’ve never seen a deer photo like this before!’ Edgar said. GON has been at this a long time, and this ranks up there with the most unusual we’ve seen.”
Vergara’s trail-cam photo is from 2023, but it’s been recirculating online, amazing a whole new group of online viewers.
Although Vergara didn’t submit any video, the photo is worth a thousand words. See a deer leaping high over raccoons here:

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What would your caption be?
Source: https://outdoors.com/oh-fk-a-flying-buck-deer-leaps-over-raccoons-on-trail-cam/