New York Mixed Bag: State of Lake Champlain meeting is March 23 in Essex County – Outdoor News

Essex, N.Y. — The Lake Champlain Fish and Wildlife Management Cooperative – a working group of fisheries professionals from the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service – will host a ‘State of the Lake Fisheries’ meeting at the Whallonsburg Grange, 1610 NY-22, Essex, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 23, for anglers and other individuals interested in the fisheries of Lake Champlain.
This meeting is an opportunity for agency staff and others to provide updates on the status and trends of the fisheries and to hear from anglers. Information will be provided on restoration, research, assessment, and other work that has been accomplished over the past year as well as work planned for the coming year. Species to be discussed include lake trout, landlocked Atlantic salmon, sea lamprey, muskellunge, walleye, and bass. Time will be allotted for questions from the public.
New York DEC discusses forthcoming Adirondack Brook Trout Management Plan at public meetings
Study shows Adirondack trout pond oxygen levels are dropping
New York Reader Stories: Catching brook trout on little Catskill stream worth the drive
DEC Announces Improvements To Two Adirondack Public Access Sites
Peircefield, N.Y. — DEC recently announced newly finished and crowned Otterbrook Road in the Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, as well as parking Lot Improvements at the popular Stillwater Reservoir boat launch, in Lowville. These are among 30 small but critical projects in process in the Adirondack and Catskill Preserve.
Located in Piercefield, St. Lawrence County, Otterbrook Road is a 5-mile-long gravel road that provides access to several popular campsites near Horseshoe Lake in the Bog River Complex and also serves as part of Corridor Snowmobile Trail 7A. The road was recently rehabilitated to improve driving conditions and ensure public safety. Contractors installed geotextile fabric and crushed stone to build up sections of the road and improve drainage.
DEC Region 6 Operations staff in Lowville, Herkimer County, recently finished improvements to the Stillwater Reservoir boat launch parking lot. Although remote, this popular area receives heavy visitation in the summer and often fills quickly and is also used for snowmobile parking in the winter. Improvements included repairing damage and resurfacing the parking area, which allows for safe access and reduces erosion. Dock rehabilitation and repairs were also completed in the summer, which allowed for improved public access as the boat ramp is the only location for launching of trailered boats on the reservoir.
DEC To Sample Rainbow Trout At Naples Creek March 21
Naples, N.Y. — DEC will be sampling the rainbow trout run at Naples Creek, Ontario County, on March 21, beginning at 9 a.m. Sampling starts at Naples Creek bridge, which is located on State Route 245, 0.25 miles east of Route 21 junction in the village of Naples. The annual rainbow trout sampling draws onlookers of all ages who come to observe DEC’s fisheries staff at work. Spectators are encouraged to observe safely as they enjoy this truly educational experience.
Naples Creek and its tributaries are popular for their spring runs of wild rainbow trout. DEC Region 8 Fisheries staff net rainbow trout, record each fish’s statistics, and release the fish back in the creek. The sampling results are made available to the public prior to the April 1 opening of Finger Lakes tributary season which runs through Dec. 31. The main bodies of the Finger Lakes are open to fishing year-round.
Preparations Begin For April 8 Solar Eclipse
Albany – On Monday, April 8th just after 3 p.m., a total solar eclipse will be passing through Western New York to Central New York and then through the northern part of the Adirondacks exiting the state through Plattsburgh.
While this total solar eclipse travels over a third of New York State, the entirety of the state will be able to see at least 88% of a partial eclipse: Albany is 96%, NYC 89%, and Montauk 88%. DEC says experiencing totality is a once in a lifetime experience.
Th last total solar eclipse in New York was in 1925 and the next ones are expected in 2079 and 2144!
Vista Outdoor Rejects $2.9 Billion All-Cash Purchase Offer
New York — Vista Outdoor Inc. has rejected an offer from MNC Capital to acquire Vista Outdoor in an all-cash transaction for $35 per Vista share. The Vista Outdoor Board continues to recommend the acquisition of the Sporting Products business by Czechoslovak Group and in a press release said it remains committed to the strategy of standing up the Outdoor Products business (“Revelyst”) as a standalone public company
“Following careful review with our experienced team of financial and legal advisors, the board determined that the transaction contemplated by MNC Capital’s indication of interest significantly undervalues the company and is not in the best interest of our stockholders,” Michael Callahan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, said. “We continue to firmly believe that our pending transaction with CSG and the separation of Revelyst as a standalone public company will drive significantly greater value for our stockholder.”
The MNC offer would have acquired both the Sporting Products business, which brands include Alliant Powder, CCI, Federal, Hevi-Shot, Remington and Speer ammunition, and its Revelyst business unit, which contains its bike and outdoor brands.
In December, the board rejected a buyout offer from Colt CZ worth $1.91 billion. The sale to CSG is contingent on approval of the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment. Vista said they are confident they’ll get that clearance.