New York Mixed Bag: New York’s winter free fishing days are Feb. 15-16 – Outdoor News

Albany — The first of several state-wide free fishing days in New York will take place Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 15-16, during President’s Day weekend. During these designated days, residents and visitors to New York State are permitted to fish for free without a fishing license. All other freshwater fishing regulations still apply.

Each year, New York offers six state-wide free fishing days to give people a chance to try the sport of fishing at no cost, and people are encouraged to support the sport by purchasing a NYS fishing license. Future free fishing day for 2025 are June 28-29, Sept. 27 (National Hunting and Fishing Day) and Nov. 11 (Veteran’s Day).

Learn more at:


Dan Ladd: Is more January hunting in the works in New York?

New York to get $32 million in federal conservation funds

Man pleads guilty to poaching popular buck known as ‘King Louie’ in New York

Gray Fox, Fisher Pelts Sought For Furbearer Health Research Project

Albany — DEC is asking trappers and furbearer hunters to consider submitting carcasses of harvested fishers and gray foxes to assist with a furbearer health project.

The agency is partnering with the Northeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, university researchers, and other state wildlife agency biologists and veterinarians on a project investigating furbearer health in the Northeast. The project aims to identify diseases and toxins in northeastern furbearers and investigate potential impacts on furbearer populations. The project focuses on gray foxes, which have declined in some parts of the Northeast and Midwest in recent decades, and fishers.

One of the primary focuses will be to investigate the prevalence of anticoagulant rodenticides in fisher and gray fox populations. Previous research on trapper-submitted fishers in New York found that nearly 80% of the more than 100 samples tested were positive for exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides. These popular rodenticides can cause uncontrolled bleeding and death in high doses.

Lower levels of exposure may lead to reduced reproduction, poor body condition, and a suppressed immune system leaving animals vulnerable to other pathogens.

This project’s success depends on getting a large number of samples from various areas across the Northeast. DEC is asking trappers and furbearer hunters to consider submitting carcasses of harvested fishers and gray foxes. The carcasses can be skinned. If you are interested in donating carcasses for this research, please contact your Regional DEC Wildlife Office for more information.

State Sends 10 Forest Rangers To Assist In Battling California Wildfires

Albany — A team of 10 Department of Environmental Conservation Forest Rangers have traveled to California to support ongoing efforts to contain wildfires raging in Los Angeles. The Forest Rangers flew out of Albany Jan. 16 for what was expected to be a two-week assignment.

New York State regularly deploys highly trained wildland firefighters to help battle fires in other states and nations as part of interstate and international firefighting compacts. In 1979, New York sent its first firefighting crew to assist western states with large wildfires.

On average, one or two crews are deployed as needed to assist with wildfires every year. In addition to helping contain wildfires and minimize damage to people and property, these crews gain valuable experience that will be utilized fighting wildfires and managing incidents in New York.

All personnel and travel expenses for the New York crews are either paid directly by the U.S. Forest Service or reimbursed to New York State based on a mutual aid agreement between states and federal land agencies.

New York Ducks Unlimited is Seeking Photos For 2026 Calendar

Clayton, N.Y. — The New York chapter of Ducks Unlimited is welcoming photo submissions for its 2026 calendar. Submissions are limited to three photos per-person and must be the photographer’s original work.

Photo resolution must be 600 dpi or larger and in jpeg format. Horizontal or landscape style photos are preferred. Photos should illustrate species of waterfowl, songbirds, wildlife, and sporting dogs.

Individuals need to include certification of photo ownership and give permission for use. They also should include personal information about the photographer. Submissions must be sent as separate (not embedded) attachments and emailed to [email protected] by Feb. 25.

The group is holding it’s annual convention in Clayton, on March 15. Learn more at

Popular Mohawk Valley Sportsman Robert H. VanAlstyne Passes

Fultonville, N.Y. — Well known Montgomery County sportsman advocate Robert H. VanAlstyne, 76, of Fultonville, passed away Dec. 25. At one time, VanAlstyne held the world steelhead record.

He was heavily involved in Ducks Unlimited and Pheasants Forever where he organized youth and veterans hunts. He was also a competitive trap shooter who participated in the 1984 Olympic trials and became a top competitor in the NYS Empire State Games.

During his service as a Montgomery County Sheriff Deputy, VanAlstyne twice received the prestigious Life Saving Award, and was also a well-known baseball umpire, earning the Schenectady Baseball Umpire Association’s NYS Umpire of the Year award in 2013.
