New York DEC, county districts hold annual tree and shrub sales – Outdoor News

Saratoga, N.Y. — With spring fast approaching the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, county soil and water districts and conservation groups across the state are taking orders as they implement their annual tree, shrub and seedling sales.
The Colonel William F. Fox Memorial Saratoga Tree Nursery tree and shrub sale is under way. This is DEC’s annual program and is ongoing through May 10. The nursery has more than 50 conifer and hardwood species available in bundles of 25 or more, plus several mixed species packets for those looking for a variety.
Some go faster than others and the order form can be found on DEC’s website or by calling 518-587-1120.
Applications are also being accepted through March 29 for the tree nursery’s School Seedling Program. Schools (public, private, nursery, elementary, secondary, vocational, college, and university) and youth education-based organizations across New York State may apply to receive up to 50 free tree or shrub seedlings to plant with students.
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As press time, there were no details available on DEC’s Trees for Tribs’ Buffer in a Bag Program for 2024. Typically, private and public landowners may apply for a free bag of 25 tree and shrub seedlings for planting near streams, rivers, or lakes to help stabilize banks, protect water quality, and improve wildlife habitat.
To qualify, landowners must have property in New York State with at least 50 feet that borders a stream, river, or lake, and provide photos or a map of the planting location. DEC encourages previous recipients to reapply to continue building their riparian buffer.
Applicants are eligible for one bag of 25 seedlings and recipients are chosen on a first-come, first-served basis. A total of 350 bags will be available statewide for this round of applications. Updates on the program can be tracked at
Elsewhere in New York, the Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District has released its spring 2024 species list for their annual Conservation Tree and Shrub program. For 48 years, the district has hosted this successful program, with nearly 22,000 native and naturalized trees and shrubs being distributed to over 500 landowners last year alone for local conservation purposes.
Due to limited supply, the pre-order deadline is March 1, and the plants can be picked up at the Monroe County ecopark on April 18-19. Visit the district website or call (585) 753-7380.
In Warren County, the Soil and Water Conservation District too is holding its annual a tree and shrub sale. Their seedlings come from a private tree nursery in central New York and they annual sell between over 9,000 seedlings.
They also have fruit trees, conservations seed packs, fertilizers, tree tubes, weed mats and stakes, bluebird, bat and wood duck houses, deer food plot seed mixes and upland game bird seed mixes.
Orders should be placed by March 6 and will be available for pickup on April 19 at the SWCD Office at in Warrensburg,.
Contact the district office at 518-623-3119 for more information, or visit: