Mixed Bag: Public land pheasant hunting workshop extravaganza headed to Davison – Outdoor News

Davison, Mich. — The Michigan Pheasant Hunting Initiative will hold a public land pheasant hunting workshop beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, at Williams Gun Sight Company in Davison.
The two-hour workshop is free to the public and includes an overview of pheasant hunting, laws and regulations, hunting tactics, recipes, cleaning demonstrations, a Q&A session, door prizes and more.
Visit www.MPHI.info or call (810) 358-9372 for more information.
The MPHI is a 501(c)3 hunter recruitment organization.
Michigan DNR to draw down Cornwall Impoundment
Electronic kill tags will be offered for fall turkey hunters in Michigan
Outdoor Observations: Survey seeks to better understand the demand for elk licenses in Michigan
Submit Michigan Wild Turkey Brood Sightings in August
Lansing — Help the DNR monitor turkey populations by participating in the annual wild turkey brood survey.
From now through Aug. 31, watch for turkey hens with young (a brood) or any other turkeys and fill out an online survey with seven short questions to help biologists better understand how turkey populations are doing in Michigan. The more participation and reports the DNR gets, the better the data will be.
The survey is available at www.michigan.gov/dnr/things-to-do/hunting/turkey/turkey-brood-survey
Visit the wild turkey brood survey website for more information.
The survey is only available during the open period between July 1 and Aug. 31. Please provide a valid email address when submitting observations in the survey.
The Michigan wild turkey brood survey is part of a multi-state survey supported by the National Wild Turkey Federation.
For questions about the survey or turkeys in Michigan, call (517) 284-9453 or email [email protected]
Deer Hunting Access Permit Application Period Open Through Aug. 15
Lansing — Select hunters may need to apply for a limited-hunt access permit to hunt deer in some areas.
Universal antlerless licenses are available for purchase over the counter without an application.
Upper Peninsula deer hunters
In the western central part of the Upper Peninsula, deer management unit 352 will require an antlerless deer hunting access permit and a universal antlerless deer license to hunt antlerless deer. The eastern central part of the Upper Peninsula, DMU 351, is closed to antlerless hunting in 2024.
DMU 352 is made up of DMUs 027, 036, 152 and 252.
A total of 500 access permits will be available in DMU 352.
One antlerless deer hunting access permit for the DMU you are hunting in plus one universal antlerless deer license are required for each deer harvested.
If you hunt in DMUs 022, 122, 055, 155, 255 and 121 in the U.P., all you will need is a universal antlerless deer license to hunt antlerless deer.
Closed to antlerless hunting 2024: DMUs 127, 066, 031, 131, 042, 007 and 048 in the northern part of the U.P. DMU 351 in the east central U.P., including DMUs 021, 349, 249, 149, 017 and 117.
Lower Peninsula deer hunters
If you are participating in a reserved deer hunt at Sharonville State Game Area, Shiawassee River National Wildlife Refuge or Shiawassee State Game Area, you will need to apply for a reserved deer hunt access permit.
Purchase access permit applications for $5 from license agents, at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses or on the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app through Aug. 15.
Learn more at Michigan.gov/Deer or call (517)-284-WILD (9453).
Coordinators Wanted for Clinton Clean-up
Rochester, Mich. — The Clinton River Watershed Council’s 23rd annual Clinton Clean-Up rallies volunteers, businesses, local governments, and organizations throughout the watershed to clean up the Clinton River, its watershed, and Lake St. Clair. CRWC is looking for Clean-Up coordinators.
Clinton Clean-Up would not be possible without the efforts of local individuals who step up to lead clean-ups. Anyone can be a clean-up coordinator.
CRWC staff are happy to provide site coordinators with the guidance they need to be successful.
Submit your clean-up or learn about becoming a Clean-Up coordinator at www.crwc.org then click on “events.”
DNR Bridge Replacement Project to Begin Aug. 5 in Alger County
Alger County, Mich. — Contractors have begun site preparation for a bridge replacement project set to begin Aug. 5 along Dorsey Lake Road in Alger County.
The bridge is over a tributary to the West Branch of the Whitefish River.
Work on the $265,500 state-funded project will be completed by Triest Forest Products of Bark River. The road will be closed during bridge construction.
The project is expected to be completed by Sept. 25.
For the latest information about DNR facility closures visit the DNR closures page at www.michigan.gov/dnr/about/newsroom/closures