Minnesota’s Outdoor Calendar – Outdoor News
MARCH 21: Annual Peasants Forever Dakota Ringnecks Chapter – Hog Roast & Boomstick Bash fundraiser at Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club. Doros open at 5. Call Peter Bohlig at 612-207-0822 for more info.
MARCH 22: 21st Annual Brainerd Muskies Inc Sportsman’s Banquet will be held at Cragun’s Resort. Doors open at 5. Call Jody Young at 218-821-3727 for more info.
MARCH 22: Sherburne County Swampbucks MDHA Banquet will be held at “The Buff” in Big Lake. Doors open at 4:30. Call Larry Gerwing at 763-350-5934 for more info.
MARCH 22: Itasca County Area TIP Banquet will be held at Timberlake Event Center, Grand Rapids. Call Angela Cardwell at 218-969-5219 for more info.
MARCH 22: 34th Brown County Pheasants Forever Family Fun Night & Banquet will be held at the Sleepy Eye Event Center Doors open at 4. Call Tim Kraskey at 612-298-0909 for more info.
MARCH 22: Delta Waterfowl Marsh Madness Chapter will hold its banquet at the St. Albert Parish Center n Albertville. Doors at 5. Call Lance Krupke at 612-760-6357 for more info.
MARCH 22: Whitetails Unlimited Bemidji Area Chapter Banquet will be held at the Eagles Club at 5:00 p.m. Call Aaron Humeniuk at 218-766-6982 for more info.
MARCH 22: Big Stone County Pheasants Forever Chapter 43rd Annual Banquet will be held at the Sioux Historic Pavilion. Doors open at 5. Call Greg Peterson at 320-760-5080 .
MARCH 28: Pelican Rapids Ducks Unlimited banquet in the basement of VFW Pelican Rapids. Doors open at 5:30. Call Bill Januszewski at 218-329-2373 for more info.
MARCH 29: East Medicine Pheasants Forever Banquet will be held at the Prairies Edge Casino Resort. Doors open at 4:30. Call Brayden Anderson at 320-979-0363 for more info.
MARCH 29: Tall Pine Toms Hunting Heritage Banquet will be held at the American Legion Post 212 Park Rapids. Call Dano Crandall at 218-616-4142 for more info.
MARCH 29: Whitetails Unlimited Bluff Country Deer Camp banquet at the Rochester International Event Center. Doors open at 5:30. Call Chris Petersen at 507-450-6256 for more info.
MARCH 29: Minnesota Deer Hunters 42nd Annual Banquet will be held at Bigwood Event Center in Fergus Falls. Doors open at 5. Call Mark Stortroen at 218-731-6315 for details.
MARCH 29: Whitetails Unlimited Lake of the Woods Chapter Banquet will be held at the Moose Lodge. Doors open at 5 pm. Call Scott Fritsinger at 218-395-0408 for more info.
MARCH 31: The Stearns County Thunderin Toms 2025 Hunting Heritage Banquet will be held at the Cold Spring at 6:00 pm. Call Steve Bertram at 320-266-1979 for more info.
APRIL 4: Ash River Trail RMEF Banquet will be held at the Backus Community Center Doors open at 5. Call Travis Hjelle at 218-780-9277 for more info.
APRIL 4: West Carver Ducks Unlimited Annual Banquet will be held at the Mayer Community Center. Doors open at 5. Call Chad Wachholz at 612-518-1766 for more info.
APRIL 5: Central Minesota Whitetails will be held in Clarissa, from 4:30 -10pm. Call Randy L Johnson at 320-232-3977 for more info.
APRIL 5: MDHA Pomme de Terre Chapter banquet will be held at Old Number 1 in Morris. Doors open at 5. Call Geoff Carlson at 320-287-1039 for more info.
APRIL 5: Wabasha County Pheasants Forever banquet will be held at teh Lake City Sportsmans Club from 1-5 pm. Call Dan Meincke at 651-345-4116 for more info.
APRIL 5: South Central MN Gobblers Chapter NWTF will be held at the Best Western in Fairmont. Doros open at 5 pm. Call Joe Dubke at 507-238-4959 for more info.
APRIL 5: 42nd Annual Kandiyohi County Pheasants Forever Chapter Banquet at Willmar Conference Center Doors open at 5:15. Call Kevin L Ochsendorf at 320-212-2412 for more info.
APRIL 5: Whitetails Unlimited North Woods Chapter Banquet will be held at AAD Shrine at 5 p.m. Call Matt Erjavec at 218-464-8908 for more info.
APRIL 5: Whitetails Unlimited Metro Area Chapter is having their banquet at St. Croix Event Center in Oak Park Height Doors open at 5 pm. Call Lindell Blanchette at 651-263-3908 for more info.
APRIL 5: MDHA Rum River chapter is having their fundraiser at the Courtyards of Andover Event Center. Call Rick Strange at 612-720-4886 for more info.
APRIL 12: Windom Ducks Unlimited-Windom will be held at the Windom Community Center. Contact Ron Maurer at 507-830-1376 for more info.
APRIL 12: Minnesota Deer Hunters Association: North Red River Chapter Annual Banquet at Hallock City Hall. Doors open at 4:30. Call Stephanie Anderson at 218-843-1171 for more info.
APRIL 12: 44th Annual Lost Marsh DU banquet will be held at the Pemberton Plaza in Pemberton. Contact Dustin or Mark at 507-327-4082 or 507-995-4296.
APRIL 12: Cuyuna Range Whitetails annual fundraising banquet will be held at the Hallet Community Center at 5 pm. Call Priscilla Blim at 218-851-7332 for more info.
APRIL 12: Annual Lake Superior Steelhead Association Spring Banquet will be held at Clyde Iron Event Center. Doors open at 5. Call Kevin J Bovee at 218-269-7427 for details.
APRIL 14: TRF MN Deer Hunters 2025 Banquet will be held at Thief River Falls Eagles Club. Doors open at 5. Call Steven Narverud at 218-689-4244 for more info.
APRIL 18: Zimmerman DU banquet at 4:00 pm @ Northern Lights Banquet Center Call Barry Wendorf at 763-222-8587 for more info.
APRIL 24: Lake Superior Chapter of the MN Deer Hunters Association will be held at the Buffalo House Junction. Call Brad Trevena at 218-389-6246 for more info.
APRIL 25: Upper Root River Ducks Unlimited Banquet will be held at the Stewartville Sportsman Club. Doors open at 5. Call Lynn Duncan at 507 273-4370 for more info.
APRIL 26: Metro Area Pheasants Forever and The Bird Bustin Babes banuet will be held at 9:00 a.m. Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club, Prior Lake. Call Denise Bornhausen at 612-578-3816 for more info.
APRIL 26: Whitetails Unlimited Finland Cabin Fever Banquet will be held at the Clair Nelson Community Center in Finland. Doors open at 4:30. Call Dick Krech Jr. at 218-226-8177 for more info.
MAY 3: Woodland Chapter Annual Banquet will be held at the Quadna Mountain Park Chalet. Doors open at 4:30. Call John McManigle at 218-244-6684 for more info.
MAY 31: Ruck Life Duluth is holding a banquet at Mont du Lac Resort. Call Frances Wittenberg at 218-460-2323 for more info.
DNR Firearm Safety Field Day: DNR Volunteer Safety Instructor will be held Sept. 6. at 10:00 am at the Ted Schotzko’s Wildlife Habitat Acres. Call Steven D Rykhus at 507-276-3521 for more info.
DNR Youth Firearm Safety Field Day: DNR Volunteer Safety Instructor will be held April 26 at the Redwood River Sportsman Club in Marshall. Call Steven D Rykhus at 507-276-3251 for more info.
DNR Turkey Clinic: DNR Volunteer Safety Instructor 10:00am Mankato Motorsports April 12. Call Steven D Rykhus at 507-276-3521 for more info.
DNR ATV Safety Hands-On class/Riding Course: DNR Volunteer Safety Instructor 10:00am July 12 at Mankato Motorsports. Call Steven D Rykhus at 507-276-3521 for more info.
DNR ATV Safety Hands-On class/Riding Course: DNR Volunteer Safety Instructor will be held at 10:00am Tracy Area High School April 27. Call Steven D Rykhus at 507-276-3521 for more info.
DNR ATV Safety Hands-On class/Riding Course: DNR Volunteer Safety Instructor August 3 at 10:00 am at the Lafayette Community Center. Call Steven D Rykhus at 507-276-3521 for more info.
DNR Turkey Clinic: will be held at Mankato Motorsports April 5. Doors open at 10 am. Call Steven D Rykhus at 507-276-3521 for more info.
Women Teaching Women Pheasant Hunting Weekend: The Bird Bustin Babes and Metro Area Pheasants Forever is holding an event at the Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club Aug. 15-17. Call Sandy Austin at 612-205-7613 for more info.
Lyon Count Pheasants Forever: Contact Ronald Prorok 507-401-6227 or [email protected] for info. Held 1st Wednesday of every month. 7:00 pm, Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room.
Maplewood Nature Center: For more info call Karen Wachal, 651-249-2170.
NRA Certified Handloading Class: Text 612-759-2124 with name for class info.
Twin Cities Walleyes Unlimited: Monthly meeting/speaker schedule. All meetings held at Bloomington Knights of Columbus, 7 p.m.
• WCCO Outdoors: Hosted by Outdoor News Managing Editor Rob Drieslein. Sundays at 5 p.m. on WCCO Newstalk AM830. Special guests on hunting, fishing, conservation, adventure outdoors. Podcasted at www.audacy.com/wccoradio/podcasts
• Minnesota Outdoor News Radio: hosted by Rob Drieslein and Tim Lesmeister. Special guests and current hunting and fishing related news – airs Saturdays and Sundays on the MNN stations or www.outdoornews.com.
• Outdoornews.com: Outdoor news from around the country along with local photos, fishing reports and more.
• Ron Schara’s Minnesota Bound: Saturdays at noon, Sunday at 10:30 on KARE 11, KTTC in Rochester, KBJR in Duluth, KVLY in Fargo and KEYC in Mankato.
• Sportsman’s Journal: Saturday at noon. Fox Sports. During Regular 13 week season. Sportsman’s Notebook WDIO TV channels 10 and 13. Sundays 10:30 p.m.
• Writeoutdoors.com: Seasonal fishing and hunting tips from Outdoor News Writer Ron Hustvedt.
DNR FAS Field Day: DNR Volunteer Safety Instructor will be held at 9:00 am St. George Parish Center in New Ulm on May 17. Call Steven D Rykhus at 507-276-3521 for more info or go to https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/firearms/index.html.
DNR FAS Field Day: DNR Volunteer Safety Instructor at 10:00 am St George Parish Center on Aug. 2. Call Steven D Rykhus at 507-276-3521 for more info or https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/firearms/index.html
Bald Eagle Sportsman’s Association: 6557 125th, Hugo. For more info call Todd Gallaty, 651-373-4204.
Outdoor News would like to list your upcoming banquet or event in our Outdoor Calendar. At least four weeks prior to your event provide: date, time, place, organization name, how many people will be attending, a phone number where the public can call for more information and your name and address.
Outdoor News will contribute newspapers for distribution at your banquet and free subscriptions to give as door prizes.
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Outdoor News Subscription services, ATTN: Calendar 9850 51st Ave N Suite 130 Plymouth, MN 55442 fax: 763-546-5913
Byron Sportsmen’s & Conservation Club: 902 2nd Ave. NW, Byron 55920. Every Thurs.: Non Competitive Sporting Clay Course, 5-7 p.m. For more info call Mark Clark, 507-993-1152.
Fertile Community Conservation Club: Aug. 12-13, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Fertile Nature Center, Fertile, For more information call Les Krogstad, 218-945-6213.
Hasty-Silver Creek Sportsmen’s Club Inc: 10917 Duffield Ave. NW, Maple Lake. Every Tues. Starting in May: Weekly Trap Shooting, 6:30 p.m. For more info call David Larsen, 763-370-0870.
Minnesota Centershots Junior Rifle Club: Girls and boys ages 11-18, indoor sporter and precision air rifle practice at Anoka American Legion 6-9 p.m. Oct-May, outdoor smallbore (.22 rimfire) at Minneapolis Rifle Club May-Sept. Local, regional and national matches. For more info: minnesotacentershots.com and mrra.org
Montgomery Sportsmens Club: Trap Range Open Wed. eve 6:00 to 8:00 April thru. October. Trap & Wobble Trap. Call Scott Peterson 612 756 3947 for more info. Monticello Rod & Gun Club: 1821 W. River St, Monticello. For more info call 763-220-0901.
Monticello Sportsmen Club: Rifle Sight-in Oct. 26-27, Nov. 2-3. Call Jordan at (763) 271-8727 or go to www.monticellosportsmenclub.com.
Plymouth Gun Club: all Year Wed. 11:00 a.m. to dark and Sat. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 5400 Holly Lane, Plymouth. For more information go to plymouthgunclub.org
Rochester Archery Club: 697 75th St. NW Rochester. For more info call 507-273-9124. www.rochesterarcheryclub.com
Suburban Sportsman Club MN: 6976 Canby Trail, Northfield, MN. Public Events. For more info call Gerald Buffington, 612-861-6405.
Brainerd Lakes Chapter of Muskies Inc.: 2nd Tues. of each month, 7 p.m, Brainerd Eagles Club 287. For more information go to www.brainerdmuskies.com
Cass County Izaak Walton League: 3rd Thurs. of the month, 6 p.m., Deep Portage Conservation Reserve, Hackensack. For more info call Jerry Lamon, 218-947-3870.
The Central Minnesota Chapter MDHA: Meets the first Tuesday of each month. Contact Scott Hedlund at 320-290-1092 for more info.
Crow River Sportsman’s Club: March thru Nov.: 3rd Thurs. of every month, 7 p.m, at the Club. For more info call Scott Berning, 763-242-1306.
Deep C’s Men’s Christian Fishing Meeting – East Chapter: 4th Tuesday of the month from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Woodbury YMCA, Woodbury. For questions, please contact us at 763-203-7979.
Deep C’s Men’s Christian Fishing Meeting – North Chapter: 4th Thursday of the month from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., at Insurance Brokers of MN, Anoka. For questions, please contact us at 763-203-7979.
Deep C’s Men’s Christian Fishing Meeting – South Chapter: 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. at Scheels, 8301 Flying Cloud Dr., Eden Prairie. For questions, please contact us at 763-203-7979.
Deep C’s Men’s Christian Fishing Meeting – West Chapter: 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6-8 p.m., Cabela’s, Rogers. For questions, please contact us at 763-203-7979.
Fishers of Men Twin Cities: 1st Thurs. of each month, 7 p.m., www.fishersofmentc.org for more info.
Fur Fin and Feather Club: Every Weds. at Osseo American Legion. For more info call John 763-464-8317.
Jaques Izaak Walton League: 3rd Thurs. of the month, 6:30 p.m., Wildwood Library, Mahtomedi. For more info call John Siekmeier, 651-291-1829.
Minnesota Decoy and Wildlife Carving Club: 1st Tues of every month, 7 p.m., Good Samaritan United Methodist Church, 5730 Grove Street, Edina, MN 55436, For More Information – Tom Flemming 612-860-9472.
Minnesota Valley In-Fisherman Club: 4th Tues. of each month, 7 p.m. at Apple Valley American Legion club, 14521 Granada Dr., Apple Valley. Gary, 952-423-3662.
Minnesota Valley Izaak Walton League: 2nd Wed. of the month, 7 p.m., Bloomington. For more info call John Crampton, 952-884-6704.
Mississippi Longtails PF: 1st Tues. of each month. 7:30 p.m., The Point on Hwy’s 61 & 10 in Hastings. For more info call Dan Richmond, 651-730-4434.
Monticello Rod & Gun Club.: 4th Thurs. of the Month, 7 p.m. www.monticellorodandgun.org for more info.
New London Izaak Walton League: 3rd Tues. of the month, 6:30 p.m., McKale’s Family Restaurant, New London. For more info call Kevin Fasen, 320-354-4708.
New Ulm #79 Izaak Walton League: 3rd Tues. of the month 7 p.m., Brown County Fairgrounds, New Ulm. For more info call Tom Wilfahrt, 507-276-1858.
North Country Pheasants Forever: 1st Tuesday of every month, 7 p.m., Harpos, Merrifield. For more info call John Navin, 218-537-3195.
North Metro Chapter Muskies Inc.: 3rd Wed. of every month, 7 p.m., Coon Rapids VFW. For more info call 612-916-7426 or www.northmetromuskie.com
North Suburban Chapter MDHA: At Capra’s Sporting Goods, 8565 Central Ave NE, Blaine. Meeting at 6 p.m. Contact: Richard Bohnen, 612-558-4508
Owatonna Valley Izaak Walton League: 2nd Thurs. of the month, 6:30 p.m., Owatonna. For more info call Ted Mittelstadt, 507-451-7946.
PERM Monthly meeting: In Elk River, 1st Monday of the month, 7:30 p.m. at Cinema Professional Building, Elk River. For info call 763-441-6869. www.perm.org
Prairie Woods Izaak Walton League: 3rd Mon. of the month, 7:30 p.m., Public Library, Detroit Lakes. For more info call Dean Hendrickson, 218-439-6303.
Rapids Archery Club: 2nd Mon. of each month at the archery building located at the Bunker Hills Regional Park. For more info call Dan, 763-427-0808.
Ringnecks Forevermore Assoc.: 1st Wed. of every month, 7 p.m., Bertha Lions Building.
Rochester Izaak Walton League: 1st Tues. of the month, 7 p.m., Izaak Walton Cabin, Rochester. For more info e-mail [email protected]
Scott County Pheasants Forever Chapter #125: 2nd Thurs. of each month, Oct.-April, 7 p.m., No meeting in March, The Ridges at Sand Creek Golf Course. For more info call James Legg 507-665-6300.
Sheldon Valley Sportsmans Club: 2nd Wed. of the Month, American Legion Club 8, Houston. For more info call Neil, 507-450-8422.
St. Cloud Chapter of Muskie’s Inc.: 3rd Tues. of each month. 7:30 p.m., Waite Park American Legion. For more info call Ken Schmitt, 320-290-6272.
Twin Cities Chapter Muskies Inc.: 2nd Tues. of the Month, 7 p.m., KC Hall, Bloomington. For more info call Denise Olson, 612-804-4687.
W.J. McCabe Izaak Walton League: 1st Wed. of the month, 7 p.m., Hartley Nature Center, Duluth. For more info call Martha Minchak, 218-628-3462.
Walter J. Breckenridge Izaak Walton League: 4th Tues. of the month, 7:30 p.m., Brooklyn Park. For more info call Mary Ellen Vetter, 763-561-1761.
Wes Libbey-Northern Lakes Izaak Walton League: 4th Wed. of the month, 7 p.m., at Itasca County YMCA or via Zoom. For more info call Bob Scheierl, 218-327-2399.
MARCH 28-30: Douglas County Fish and Game League show =will be held at the Wessman Arena. Call 218-348-0274 for more info.
APRIL 6: Minnesota Sporting Collectibles Show @ Medina Entertainmnet Center. Doors open at 8:45 am. Call Dale Eggert at 612-272-0536 for more info.
JUNE 14-15: Osage Sportsmans Club Outdoor Sports Show will be held at Osage Sportsmans Club at the Hubbard County Fairgrounds. Call David Engels at 218 640-0452 for more info.
JUNE 16: WBL Area Educational Foundation will be holding it’s 25th Annual Golf Tournament sponsored by the White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation at 10:30 am Oak Glen Golf Course. Call Emily St. Martin at 651-407-7696 for more info.
Source: https://www.outdoornews.com/2025/03/19/minnesotas-outdoor-calendar-103/