Minnesota Mixed Bag: DNR issues ice warning for aerated lakes – Outdoor News

St. Paul — The Minnesota DNR has issued its annual ice safety warning for lakes with winter aeration systems. The updated list of aerated lakes and more information is available on the DNR website.
“We urge people to use caution any time they venture onto ice,” DNR Aeration Program Coordinator Denise Elston said. “Ice is never 100% safe, and extreme care should be taken on aerated lakes. Watch for the large orange and black warning signs at high-use public accesses and the required thin-ice signs around open-water areas.”
The DNR permits aeration systems to help prevent winterkill of fish populations by adding oxygen to the lake and, in certain situations, to protect shorelines and structures from ice damage. They are generally operated from the time the lakes freeze until the ice breaks up in the spring. Aeration systems will be operating on 189 Minnesota lakes with public accesses this winter. Private hatchery operators also use aeration systems, usually on small lakes without public accesses.
A permit from the DNR is required to install and operate an aeration system. Permit holders must publish public notices, post warning signs, and inspect the systems at least once every seven days.
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Winona Refuge’s Kids Fishing Event is Jan. 11
Winona, Minn. — The annual Kids Ice Fishing Event this year will help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. The event is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 11, from 10 a.m. to noon at the McNally Boat Landing on Prairie Island Drive in Winona. The event is co-sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Friends of the Refuge Headwaters.
Kids ages 6 through 13 and their families are invited to join the free event. Children will be paired with experienced ice anglers. Hot chocolate, cookies, hot dogs, and chips will be provided in a heated tent. All kids must be registered by a parent or guardian. A registration station will be available at the McNally Boat Landing.
For more information, contact Wendy Woyczik at [email protected], call (507) 494-6229, or visit either www.friendsoftherefugeheadwaters.org or www.fws.gov/refuge/upper-mississippi-river
BWCAW Quota Permits Open Next Month
Duluth, Minn. — Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness permit reservations for the 2025 quota season, May 1 through Sept. 30, will be available beginning at 9 a.m. on Jan. 29,. Visitors are encouraged to book their reservations online at www.recreation.gov.
Reservations may also be made by calling 1-877-444-6777.
For an overview to traveling in the BWCAW and trip planning information, visit the Superior National Forest website for information on the Superior, and the BWCAW information page.
Review the BWCAW Trip Planning Guide and consider whether a primitive wilderness trip is the best option for your group. Plan ahead by having at least three travel options (dates and entry points) in mind before making a reservation. Reserve only the permit(s) you can use.
Iowa DNR Offering Fisheries Career Experience
Des Moines, Iowa — Summer seasonal positions at Iowa DNR fisheries offices are open for applications until Jan. 10.
Learn about fisheries careers and gain experience while working alongside biologists and technicians. Positions are available in research, management, culture, and aquatic invasive species. Six-month positions usually start at the beginning of April, and three-month positions start the middle of May.
Apply online. For more info, contact Ben Wallace at (712) 657-2638 or [email protected]
N.D. Habitat, Hunting Access Summit Recording Available
Bismarck, N.D. — Landowners, hunters, lawmakers, wildlife managers and others gathered in mid-December in Bismarck to discuss wildlife habitat and providing access to hunters
Approximately 200 people attended the N.D. Game and Fish Department’s Habitat and Hunting Access Summit, where the evening opened with remarks from Gov. Kelly Armstrong. Agency staff gave presentations on the status of habitat and wildlife populations in the state, followed by moderated panel discussions addressing questions that were submitted by attendees.
The summit can be viewed here:
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Source: https://www.outdoornews.com/2024/12/23/minnesota-mixed-bag-dnr-issues-ice-warning-for-aerated-lakes/