Michigan Mixed Bag: NRTF Board recommends $41.7 million in projects to boost outdoor recreation – Outdoor News

Lansing — The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board recommended last month that the Michigan Legislature approve 68 recreation development projects and 17 land acquisitions totaling $41.7 million be funded in 2025.
The board this year considered a total of 122 applications seeking over $53.4 million in funding. In a competitive process, all eligible applications were evaluated based on scoring criteria approved by the Trust Fund board.
The panel recommends funding to state and local agencies for development projects and land acquisitions aimed at furthering access to public outdoor recreation.
This year, the board recommended $22.5 million for development project grants and $19.3 million for acquisition grants.
“From fantastic land purchases like a $4.2 million property that will connect additional Michigamme Highlands habitats to Craig Lake State Park in Marquette County to a $400,000 project to develop the Nakwema Trails in Charlevoix County, these grant recommendations by the board will make significant improvements to outdoor recreation across our state,” Michigan Department of Natural Resources Director Scott Bowen said.
A list of the final recommendations made by the Trust Fund board is available at Michigan.gov/MNRTF.
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Changes coming to the Michigan Natural Resources Commission in 2025
Public Comment Period Opens on Proposal to Designate Habitat for Four Mussel Species
Washington — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to designate critical habitat for four species of endangered freshwater mussels. Habitat for the rayed bean, sheepnose, snuffbox and spectaclecase mussels can be found in 17 states in the central and eastern United States. FWS is proposing to designate a total of 3,974 river miles of occupied habitat, where many of the units for each individual species overlap. This proposal opens a 60-day public comment period.
All four mussel species were listed as endangered in 2012 under the Endangered Species Act, which means they are in danger of extinction.
Michigan is home to the rayed bean and snuffbox mussels.
The proposal to designate critical habitat is open for comment and will appear in the Federal Register through February 11. Information on how to submit comments can be found on regulations.gov by searching docket number FWS-R3-ES-2024-0144.
Love State Parks and Trails? Apply for Workgroup and Committee Vacancies
Lansing — If you are a fan of Michigan state parks and trails and have always wanted to add your voice to the discussion that shapes them, consider applying by Jan. 15 for vacancies on two key advisory bodies that work with the DNR.
The DNR is accepting applications for an opening on the Snowmobile Advisory Workgroup, which consists of seven volunteers each serving four-year terms.
The DNR also is accepting applications for openings on the Michigan State Parks Advisory Committee, which consists of 12 volunteers, each serving up to four-year terms.
To apply for the snowmobile advisory board contact Jessica Roehrs at 517-331-3790. To apply for the Michigan State Parks Advisory Committee contact Barbara Graves at 517-284-6136.