Michigan Mixed Bag: Leftover turkey licenses on sale now – Outdoor News

Lansing — Spring turkey licenses leftover from the regular application period are on sale now. Licenses are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee that leftover licenses will be available for any hunt unit. See which turkey management units still have licenses available at DNR eLicense.
Are you looking for a more flexible hunt?
Spring turkey licenses for Hunt 0234 are also available now. This hunt is a statewide, guaranteed spring turkey license that does not require an application in the drawing.
With the Hunt 0234 license, you can hunt on: both public and private lands in the Upper Peninsula (TMU M) and in the northern Lower Peninsula (TMUs A, B, E, F, J and K); private lands only in the southern Lower Peninsula (TMU ZZ); Fort Custer military lands with permission.
Hunt 0234 season dates are May 3-31. Learn more about this license on Page 5 of the 2025 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations Summary.
Licenses purchased online through eLicense will be mailed to you in seven to 10 business days.
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Fishing Licenses Expire on March 31
Lake Orion, Mich. — Anglers are reminded that they need a new 2025 fishing license as of April 1. The 2024 fishing licenses expire at midnight on March 31.
Licenses are available over the counter at sporting goods stores and bait shops across the state. They also are available at the DNR website, www.Michigan.gov/dnr, and on the DNR’s phone app. Remember that the paper license purchased online or through the app will be mailed to you in seven to 10 business days.
DNRs Muskegon River Walleye Egg Collection is Underway
Muskegon, Mich. — Fishing the Muskegon River this spring?
Be on the lookout for Michigan Department of Natural Resources personnel collecting walleye eggs below Croton Dam. Egg collections with electrofishing boats will start as early as the week of March 24 and conclude by April 12.
Four days of egg collections are planned. The date those collections will begin depends on water temperatures and the presence of ripe fish (fish that are ready to spawn), and the schedule may change based on conditions.
The egg-take zone runs from Croton Dam downstream to the Pine Street Access Site. Anglers are urged to use caution when fishing near the electrofishing boats. For safety, anyone wading will be asked to exit the water when electrofishing boats approach.
The DNR plans to collect approximately 26 million walleye eggs from the Muskegon River this year. Some of the fry from these eggs will be placed in waters throughout the Lower Peninsula and some will be sent to rearing ponds for later use.
Beekeeping Clinic: A Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Hive
Cadillac, Mich. — Two beginner beekeeping workshops will be held at the Carl T. Johnson Hunting and Fishing Center in Cadillac. The workshops will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 12 and Saturday, April 26.
Whether you have an orchard or a vegetable garden or are planning food plots with fruit trees for hunting, having pollinators is essential. Whether you are new to beekeeping or just want to expand your knowledge, this class will cover everything you need to know about beekeeping and the vital role pollinators play.
The workshop will cover topics including basic bee biology, beekeeping equipment, choosing your apiary location, installing your bees, caring for bee health, seasonal tasks and more.
Cost is $30.
To register, go to Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses and click on the “Purchase a license” button. Sign in (using either a username and password or your ID and birth date) and find the class under the Outdoor Skills Academy tab.
Questions? Email [email protected] or call (231) 779-1321.
Comment Period Reopened for Monarch ESA Listing Proposal
Washington — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is reopening the public comment period for a proposed rule to list the monarch butterfly as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. The proposed rule includes species-specific protections and flexibilities to encourage conservation of the butterfly.
The comment period will be reopened for 60 days, until May 19, 2025, to give all interested parties an additional opportunity to comment on the proposed rule, which was published on December 12, 2024. Comments that were previously submitted do not need to be resubmitted as they are already incorporated into the public record.
Public comments are an integral part of the ESA listing determination process, and the agency recognizes the complexity of the information requested for public comment in the proposed rule.
By reopening the public comment period, the agency is ensuring everyone has a chance to share information relevant to the conservation status of the species, including the associated 4(d) rule and proposed critical habitat designation.
Information about how to submit comments can be found on regulations.gov by searching for docket number FWS-R3-ES-2024-0137.
Learn more about the monarch butterfly at fws.gov/monarch.
Source: https://www.outdoornews.com/2025/03/25/michigan-mixed-bag-leftover-turkey-licenses-on-sale-now/