Michigan Mixed Bag: Detroit Tigers Hunting and Fishing Night coming soon – Outdoor News

Detroit — Join the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for Hunting and Fishing Night at Comerica Park and watch the Detroit Tigers take on the Colorado Rockies on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 6:40 p.m.
The night is in support of hunting and fishing groups that connect Michiganders to the outdoors.
Michigan’s hunters, anglers and other outdoor enthusiasts are encouraged to purchase a special discounted ticket to the game, which includes a collectible Detroit Tigers tackle box.
A portion of every ticket sold through this link will be donated to National Wildlife Turkey Federation. Visit here for more info.
Excellent fishing in southeast Michigan helps generate big economic impact
Michigan DNR says EHD found in St. Joseph County deer, more cases expected
Michigan Natural Resources Commission gets backlash on does-only reg for special hunts
Inland Lake and Stream Surveys Critical to Managing Michigan Fisheries
Lansing — If you spent any time on the water last year, you may have seen Michigan DNR fisheries management units at work conducting fisheries surveys across the state. Crews completed 171 surveys of Michigan’s inland lakes and 110 surveys of Michigan’s streams in 2023.
These surveys are valuable, helping track inland fisheries populations, evaluate stocking efforts to increase angler opportunities and address concerns from anglers.
Collecting key data on Michigan’s world-class fisheries is critical for successful management of the state’s diverse fisheries resources, but what exactly do crews look for? According to Jim Francis, DNR Fisheries Division Lake Erie basin coordinator, surveys fall into three categories: Evaluating management actions; Understanding status and trends; Finding answers to new questions or concerns.
“The management units stepped up this year and were able to safely conduct inland fisheries surveys to evaluate if management actions, like fish stocking or habitat improvement projects, had the desired effect,” Francis said. “Surveys help us understand whether or not our management actions resulted in better recreational fishing in certain areas or improved a lake’s overall health.”
Grants Available for Restoration Projects in the Great Lakes Basin
Washington — The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Eastern Region has announced two requests for applications for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects. Through an agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Forest Service anticipates that up to $6.2 million will be available for reforestation, ecosystem restoration, and forest health improvements on non-federal lands in the Great Lakes basin of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Launched in 2010, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative strategically targets the biggest threats to the Great Lakes ecosystem and accelerates progress toward long-term restoration goals. Applicants may be state agencies, sovereign tribal nations, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and local governments that work within the Great Lakes basin.
White Bear Lake-based Wildlife Forever says it will continue a partnership grant program with the Forest Service focused on implementing community outreach to prevent AIS in the Great Lakes region via the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
All applications for this funding opportunity must be received in Grants.gov by 6 p.m. on Sept. 18. For more information: www.fs.usda.gov/main/r9/workingtogether/grants
Edenville Dam Restoration Project Available for Review
Washington — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking public comment on a draft habitat conservation plan and a draft environmental assessment for the Edenville Dam Restoration Project located in Gladwin and Midland counties. The plan accompanies an application for an Endangered Species Act incidental take permit for Four Lakes Task Force that would authorize incidental take of the endangered snuffbox mussel.
The proposed draft habitat conservation plan outlines conservation and mitigation measures the task force would take for conserving snuffbox mussels. This plan would go into effect if the agency approves the requested permit.
Habitat conservation plans are agreements between the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service and a landowner, private company or non-federal agency that allows that individual or organization to undertake otherwise lawful activities on their property that may result in the incidental take of a federally protected species.
This announcement opens a 30-day public comment period which will close on Sept. 12, 2024. The Federal Register notice, draft plan, and draft environmental assessment are available for review and comment at https://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket Number FWS–R3–ES–2024–0112
Clinton River Cleanup on Tap Saturday, September 14
Rochester, Michigan — The Clinton River Watershed Council’s 23rd annual Clinton Clean-Up rallies volunteers, businesses, local governments, and organizations throughout the watershed to clean up the Clinton River, its watershed, and Lake St. Clair.
CRWC is looking for Clean-Up Coordinators. Clinton Clean-Up would not be possible without the efforts of local individuals who step up to lead clean-ups. Anyone can be a clean-up coordinator. CRWC staff are happy to provide site coordinators with the guidance they need. Submit your clean-up or learn about becoming a Clean-Up Coordinator at CRWC.org.