Man Approaches Black Bear and Says ‘Rawr!’ in Its Face (Video)

If you encounter a wild black bear, experts recommend backing away from the animal slowly, making noise as you go. Make yourself appear larger than you are and never turn your back and run away. This is the opposite of what one man did when faced with a large black bear in Whistler, Canada. Instead of distancing himself from the wild animal, he walked right up to it, camera rolling. When the bear lunged at him, he said, “Whoa!” And then, he got in the black bear’s face and said “rawr!” A bystander caught the interaction on video, and it went viral.
The “rawr” guy isn’t the only person in the video who didn’t seem to realize a wild animal with sharp teeth and claws was starting to feel cornered. Many others stuck around to get a good video with their phones. Thankfully, it seems no one got hurt.
To protect yourself against bears in the wild, always carry bear spray when hiking and camping in bear country. In this case, the bear had encroached on human development, probably looking for food. To help reduce instances like this, lock up your food in bear-proof containers while camping and never feed bears intentionally.
Watch a man say “rawr!” to a black bear here:
Best Bear Sprays
Learn more about bear sprays here.
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