Look Out For These Signs Of Pest Infestation In Your RV

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What Are The Signs Of An RV Pest Infestation?

Nobody wants to share their home with pests. This is especially true if you’re in a small space like an RV. Mice, flies, and other bugs can quickly take over your RV if you’re not paying attention. If you keep your eyes open for signs of pest infestation, you can stop these vermin before they get out of control.

Some signs are subtle, while others are quite obvious. It might not always be easy to identify the source of these issues, so look around carefully if you think that pests are to blame. Sometimes it might turn out to be mold, water damage, or mechanical problems instead. All of these are serious issues that need to be fixed, but first, you need to clearly identify the problem.

Below we have some common signs of pest infestation in RVs. If you notice one or more of these symptoms, it might be time to take action and/or call an exterminator. 

Bad smell

A bad smell in the RV is one of the telltale signs that something is wrong. It may not always be due to pests, but this is a common cause. If the odor comes from moist areas like the bathroom or kitchen, the culprit might be mold.

Try to follow the smell to its point of origin. If it emanates from your air ducts, drains, or other hidden areas, this could be because pests are causing it. 

Before you take aggressive action, clean and air out your RV first. If this solves the problem, maybe it just needed a good scrub and refresh. Wait for a few days and see if the smell lingers or comes back again.

People are getting sick

Another common side effect of pests is illness. People may be allergic or react poorly to the unsanitary conditions that pests create. If flies come into contact with food, they can spread disease-causing particles. 

Pay attention to your own physical reaction as well as other people who live in the RV. If people frequently feel sick, this might be due to pests invading the vehicle. Seek medical treatment for the relevant issues but watch carefully for any relapses or common symptoms. 

Scat, slime, or chewed fragments

Pests almost always leave signs of their presence. Mice are some of the easiest culprits to find because they nibble on housing materials, create nests, and leave droppings all over the place. Insects might leave sticky residue behind. If your RV is occupied by a lot of small insects (like fruit flies), you may find dead ones lying around as well.

Keep your eyes open for any residue that’s not supposed to be there. Unexplained fragments, rips, or debris can also be signs of pest infestation. 

A definite sign of pests is if your food is disturbed. If you have any boxes or bags that have been ripped or chewed through, you’ve got a problem on your hands. 

Scratching, rattling, or buzzing sounds

You might be able to hear pests before you see them. After all, a few bugs or mice can usually hide out of sight before their numbers grow too large. If you feel like you might have some unwelcome guests in your RV, turn off all noisy items and listen carefully. This includes your air conditioner, refrigerator, and any electric appliances that may create background noise.

It’s possible that you’ll start to hear scratching, rattling, or buzzing sounds. Try to pinpoint where these sounds are coming from. You may need to perform these tests at night because mice and many other pests are nocturnal.

Faulty wiring

Mice can chew and burrow through just about anything. This includes the electrical systems in your RV. Frayed or chewed wires will cause problems when you try to power your appliances. If your lights flicker or refuse to turn on, pests may be to blame. 

Contaminated water

Flies and other types of insects sometimes dwell in the pipes, water systems, and holding tanks of your RV. Sometimes they even lay their eggs in this dark, moist environment. This will lead to a foul odor (as previously mentioned), but it can also affect the quality of your water. 

If you notice any type of slime, discoloration, or debris in your water, investigate immediately. Drinking this water can lead to health problems.

Repeated sightings of bugs or mice

Finally, you’ll know if you have a serious pest infestation if you repeatedly see mice or bugs in your RV. By the time they become visible, they have usually become pretty well established. This is one of the most obvious signs of pest infestations.

Lay out traps to try to catch them in the act. If you use mouse traps, fly strips, or other forms of pest control, you should be able to easily confirm whether or not there is a problem. A single mouse or a few bugs might not be an issue, but if you continue to see them, your RV is in trouble. 

How to prevent pest infestations in your RV

Dealing with pests is no fun at all. They can be gross, smelly, and dirty. In some cases, you might have to spend money on an exterminator if the issue gets bad enough. That’s why it’s best to prevent these problems before they even start!

Keep your RV clean

One of the best ways to deter pests is to keep your RV clean. It’s easy for dirt and grime to accumulate in such a small space, so you need to be consistent and vigilant in your efforts.

Regularly clean out your drains, wipe down counters, and keep your eyes open for any signs of pest infestation. Don’t leave any food spills or standing water because these attract unwanted visitors. 

Empty the trash regularly

Your trash can is a paradise for bugs and mice. They will be drawn to the smell of rotting food. If the trash smells bad to you, it smells great to them!

Empty your trash cans regularly and dispose of them in a dumpster. It’s also a good idea to spray down the area around your trash can with a deodorizing spray. 

Seal up vents

Most pests enter your RV through the vents. These openings are helpful when you need to redirect steam or improve ventilation, but they are basically a doorway for unwanted pests. To prevent them from entering, seal up the vents when they’re not in use.

You can also put materials that they hate near the openings. For instance, peppermint oil and mothballs are pretty effective at keeping mice away from your vents. 

Cover the RV during storage

Finally, keep your RV closed and covered during its time in storage. A good cover will seal up vents from the outside. If your RV is empty and devoid of food, this also makes it a less tempting target for mice and bugs. Check the caulk and sealant around your doors and windows as well because any gaps or cracks can let pests in. 

Above all else, you should be aware of the warning signs of pest infestation. This will help you recognize problems before they get out of control. 


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Source: https://rvlife.com/signs-of-pest-infestation-in-rv/