Lake Tahoe ‘Looked Like a Landfill’ After 4th of July as Volunteers Remove Tons of Trash

Millions of people headed outdoors to celebrate the 4th of July, but unfortunately, not everyone cleaned up after themselves.
Keep Tahoe Blue, an organization focused on water quality and the conservation of Lake Tahor, shared images on their Instagram of trashed beaches. People left behind bottles, food boxes, tents, grills and more, covering the ground in garbage. Others damaged nearby plants and trees.
Fortunately, the organization and volunteers were quick to act. Armed with trash bags and gloves, volunteers picked up 8,559 pounds of trash. That’s more than four tons of garbage and heavier than a Cadillac Escalade.
Organizers are thankful for volunteers but say the garbage left behind this year is an all-time high.
“This morning, one of Tahoe’s beaches looked like a landfill. Thanks to passionate volunteers and community partners, it started to look like Tahoe again after some hard work,” said Dr. Darcie Goodman Collins, CEO of the League to Save Lake Tahoe, in a quote shared on social media. “To Keep Tahoe Blue, everyone who enjoys this place must act more like our volunteers and partners by doing their part. It starts with leaving nothing behind, and picking up any trash you come across. Unless each of us share in the responsibility for protecting this place, it could be ruined.”
You can learn more about Keep Tahoe Blue here.