Just When You Think You’ve Seen It All, There’s a Yosemite Slackliner


“Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you turn around, look up, and see someone 1,000 feet up walking on a rope that’s less than 1 inch wide,” narrates Brant Hysell in a video showing a slow scan of Yosemite National Park and then a quick zoom on a slackliner walking between two peaks. The slackliner is so far up, he or she looks like a tiny dot. You can barely even spot the rope this person is walking on.

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“Yosemite is legendary. So are the rowdy people that yearn to play there,” Hysell wrote in his Instagram caption sharing the video. “This is a mega high line 1,000 feet up at 1,600 feet across connecting lower and middle cathedral. Just so sick!”

Watch a Yosemite visitor spot a slackliner here:

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Source: https://outdoors.com/just-when-you-think-youve-seen-it-all-theres-a-yosemite-slackliner/