Is The RV Lifestyle Right For You?

10 Signs The RV Lifestyle Is Right For You

RV fever is sweeping the nation, especially during the past few years. But is the RV lifestyle right for everyone? Let’s take a look.

Many people are abandoning their homes and apartments and hitting the road. This is a personal choice for everyone. Many RV dreamers now wonder if the RVing lifestyle is the right fit for them. Of course, this is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Some people feel right at home in an RV, while others can’t wait to get home. If you choose to live in your RV full-time (or at least most of the time), there are a few qualities and personality traits that can help you feel comfortable in this setting. 

The following signs can reveal if the RV lifestyle is a good for you. Ultimately it’s your choice though. If you have a deep love for RVing, you can certainly get by, even if you only have a few of these traits.

1. You love to travel

The first point is pretty obvious! The RV lifestyle transitions you to a full-time life on the road. Some people choose to buy permanent RV lots, but the majority hop around from place to place. If you love to see new places and find adventure, this could be the right choice for you. 

Many people who trade in their homes or apartments for RVs do so because they are free spirits who don’t want to put down long-term roots in any one place. There’s a lot to do and see, so this nomadic lifestyle appeals to them. If you feel the same way, that’s a great start!

2. You’re adaptive

Next up, you need to be resourceful and flexible. Because you’ll be traveling so much, you have to be willing to go with the flow. You may not know the ins and outs of every town you visit, but if you can still find the necessities and make do, you’ll be able to switch to the RV lifestyle. 

Making this change is also a big commitment. If you’re able to make the change from a permanent home to a life on the road, you’re an adaptive person. Those who can easily change their mindset and see the bright side are perfect candidates for RVing. 

RV in campground
If you love the outdoors, you’ll likely enjoy RVing. Photo: Shutterstock

3. You love the outdoors

Next up, let’s talk about nature! A lot of RV parks and campgrounds will be located in state parks, forests, deserts, beaches, and other natural areas. Although they have been adapted for human use, these areas are still more rugged than many homeowners are used to. 

If you’re an outdoorsy person, then the RVing lifestyle is perfect for you! You’ll be able to explore new places and enjoy all the hiking, biking, swimming, and wildlife watching that you want. These activities are also cheap, so you need to be someone who enjoys affordable fun. 

4. You’re ready to meet new people

Because living in an RV is a mobile lifestyle, you’ll meet a lot of new people everywhere you go. RVs are a good way to travel across the country and visit family, but there are many new faces that you’ll see as well. If you’re social, this is a great quality to have! Whether it’s campground hosts, shopkeepers, fellow campers, or just random passersby, there is no shortage of new friends. 

In many cases, you can’t be too shy if you live in an RV. There may be times when you need to approach strangers for help, so keep that in mind. At least try to travel with a social butterfly if you’re an introvert.

5. You have a flexible job/you’re retiring

One of the trickiest parts of the RV lifestyle is figuring out your employment situation. Recently many more people have found that they can work remotely, so you may be able to take your job with you. However, if you want to keep a steady job in one place, this probably won’t work out. 

Other good candidates for RVing are people who are retired! If you don’t need to worry about holding down a job, you’ll be free to travel, explore, and relax. Everyone needs to find the setup that works best for them, but those with flexible skill sets, remote jobs, and retirement benefits are the ones who will have the easiest time transitioning to a life on the road. 

6. You don’t need a lot of stuff to be happy when full-time RVing

Moving your entire life into an RV isn’t easy, especially if you have a lot of personal possessions and keepsakes. There’s nothing wrong with having these things, but it does make it hard to narrow everything down. RVs have a limited amount of storage space, so you may need to make sacrifices on things like large collections and hefty wardrobes. 

If you’re a pretty minimalistic person, this isn’t really an issue! If you can easily get rid of things that you don’t need, you could be the right person to live in an RV. On the other hand, if you find that you like to hold onto your treasures or need more space to store things, this lifestyle shift could be difficult. You can look into a larger RV, but even the high-end models have their limits. 

7. You want to spend more time with specific people

As mentioned above, RVs don’t have endless amounts of space. If you travel with other people, you’ll be living in pretty close quarters. For some people, this is a good thing! Couples, families, and even good friends have found that traveling together has brought them closer. This can be a good way to bond.

On the other hand, you need to make sure you can tolerate living in such close proximity to other people. Everyone needs personal space from time to time, but make sure that you will be able to get along with your companions most of the time. 

8. You’re adventurous and willing to take risks

Although modern RVing is pretty comfortable, there is still an element of adventure and risk built-in. If you’re a particularly anxious person, this lifestyle might not be a good match. You’ll need to be okay with traveling to unfamiliar places, sleeping in parking lots from time to time, and asking strangers for help. 

There are ways you can protect yourself and your RV, but full-time travelers should be prepared for the fact that you might end up in some sketchy situations. Make plans ahead of time and buckle in for an adventure!

9. You can make do with very little

We already talked about narrowing down your possessions, but those who follow the RV lifestyle also need to be able to make the best out of their limited options. For instance, if you love to cook, you’ll probably need to get rid of many of your utensils and appliances. This may be hard, but it’s necessary if you want to live out of a small space like an RV.

Multi-purpose tools, clothes, and appliances will be lifesavers for you. Use fewer items, but try to ensure that the things you do keep have a wide variety of uses. 

10. You’re handy with tech

Finally, it’s good if you have at least a basic understanding of how to fix vehicles and other pieces of tech in your RV. You don’t need to be a mechanic to participate in the RV lifestyle, but you should be able to fix (or at least diagnose) common issues with your rig.

Keep some basic tools on hand and get good insurance that comes with a roadside assistance plan. This combination will solve most of your problems!

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