Is It Legal to Snag Fish in Michigan? – Outdoor News

Are you allowed to snag a fish in Michigan?
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) defines snagging as “Taking or attempting to take a fish in a manner or methods where the fish does not take, or have the chance to take, the hook voluntarily in its mouth. Snagging shall include, but not be limited to, fishing by manipulating a hook or hooks and other tackle or lures, whether baited or not, in such a manner as to pierce or hook a fish in any part of the body, circumventing the voluntary action of the fish to take the bait or lure in the mouth.”
So basically, snagging refers to hooking a fish’s body (but not its mouth) — circumventing normal fishing techniques and damaging the animal’s flesh as you reel it in. Failure to adhere to this rule could result in hefty fines and jail time, even if you snag unintentionally.
About John Freeman
Mr. Freeman has more than 30 years of experience in handling state and federal criminal cases in the state of Michigan, and he’s become Michigan’s leading criminal defense attorney for hunting and fishing violations. If you or a loved one are facing criminal investigation or prosecution, contact attorney John Freeman on his website or by calling 248-422-1499. To learn more about his outdoor adventures, check him out on YouTube.