inTech RV’s Adventure Club a Platform for Owner’s Groups – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News

NAPPANEE, Ind. – inTech RV recently launched the inTech Adventure Club as a platform where owners and enthusiasts of inTech trailers can utilize to post events.
Marketing Manager Doug Moats said, “We just went live two months ago — several of our owner’s groups have their own social media channels — the Sol group has one and the Flyer group and so on.”
He said a lot of owners reached out and expressed interest, so they created the Adventure Club. Moats said they’ve also had a lot of groups express interest in holding rallies and gatherings, but they haven’t had the opportunity to get real organized.
“We’re a relatively young company so this is something new and we’re trying to help out,” he said and added, “It’s a great opportunity for us, too, if we’re able to attend as a representative to answer questions or give information.”
Sales Manager Keith Fishburn said he knows of four-five groups that currently get together on a regular basis. “We’re trying to create a space for them to come and share and invite others along.”
inTech is not involved in the organization of the events but they appreciate the adventure leaders who’ve taken the time to bring inTech enthusiasts together.
They’ve also had a lot of owners asking for inTech branded gear so they’re starting to provide that as well. “It’s a great opportunity for Adventure Club members to identify themselves as club members with this gear so we wanted to make that available to them,” Moats said.
Moats said the Adventure Club “offers a place to bring more organization behind it.”
Moats added in the future as the Adventure Club grows, they’d like to find a way to bring dealers to the rally, too, so consumers can get information if they don’t have a dealer in their area.
Fishburn said they’d like to get back to hosting a large gathering, too if they can find a place in the vicinity of the facility so they could offer factory tours and get vendors involved.
Moats said, “Like everything we do here, this is about building community and building our brand. We’re promoting what we do, we build a nice, quality product people can enjoy out in the environment.”
Fishburn added, “With our type of product—being a niche product and higher end — people become very obsessive about it — they love it and love to talk about it so we wanted to give them a platform to get together and schedule events and everybody can see what’s going on and have an opportunity to get together and hang out as a crew.”
“It’s exciting for us, too,” Moats admitted, “We see the units here when they leave the factory and we build such a nice product that we’re proud of so hearing first-hand from owners how much they enjoy utilizing it; it’s exciting for us to know that they can find like-minded people and get out and share those stories.”