Inside a Live-Aboard Surf Trip Through Alaska’s Volcanic Islands

What cameras did you have with you, how much film did you bring along, and what kind?
Nick Foster: I brought a Contax G2 and a Fuji 645 and a bunch of different film—maybe too much! I still keep finding unused rolls in my fridge. I used a lot of Portra 400 and also had a big mixed bag of random rolls I’ve had for a while.
When it comes to my camera setup I typically try to keep it as simple as possible, it helps me shoot quickly on the go. These two cameras in particular were great for that.
What’s the most important thing you think about, practically speaking, when documenting a trip like this?
Nick Foster: In certain instances composing a shot is necessary but I think it’s most important (with whatever you’re trying to capture) to capture it in its purest form. That is one of the biggest challenges for myself—to always be alert of the small details that are happening around me and to find myself in the best possible position to capture that moment.
Weiland: For me, I always have in the back of my mind how is any moment that’s transpiring going to fit into a larger story that could be told, and so I’m always running things through that filter, like when people are talking, when people are experiencing something new for the first time, anything that seems like it could be a scene, I have to kind of anticipate that moment happening and then begin to decide how I’m going to capture that so it could actually be built into a scene later on.