Hikers Get a View They Didn’t Expect, Their Reaction Goes Viral

We’ve all had those moments when a hike just doesn’t go as planned. A pair of Irish hikers reached a supposedly scenic viewpoint after hiking for hours, and they were a bit underwhelmed. But they didn’t let the disappointing view spoil their fun. In fact, the two made a TikTok video making light of the relatable situation, and it went viral.
Killian Sundermann and his hiking partner went on a three-hour hike, only to find the view from the summit obscured completely by dense, white fog. Lesser hikers would have been disappointed, but not these two.
“Wow, it’s beautiful,” Sundermann jokes. “It’s something else,” his friend chimes in, before Sundermann turns the camera to the “view”—or lack thereof. It seems the pair are standing feet away from a drop of some sort, maybe a big cliff overlooking the ocean or a steep drop-off with rolling hills in the background.
We’re sure it would have been a great view, if anyone could see through that fog.
See the disappointing view and the funny commentary here:
The sarcasm is on point, and just about every hiker can relate to a hike gone wrong.
Have you ever reached a summit or scenic viewpoint only to find the view less than spectacular?
Source: https://outdoors.com/hikers-get-a-view-they-didnt-expect-their-reaction-goes-viral/