Hiker Returns to Car to Find THIS. What Would You Do?

Esbenia Overbeck had finished a hike in Patagonia when she came back to her vehicle and saw something she didn’t expect. There was a mountain lion resting in the shade behind the hiker’s car. Now what?
“When you finally make it back to your car after a long hike and . . . surprise! A friend is waiting for you!” Overbeck wrote on her Instagram post sharing the video.
Then she asks: “What would you do in this situation?”
Overbeck doesn’t share how this standoff ended, but she gives some good advice for other hikers who might one day be in her shoes. She suggests staying calm, keeping your distance, making noise (possibly by using your key fob to make the car’s horn blare), and, if the animal doesn’t move away on its own, alerting authorities and asking for help.
See a mountain lion hanging out by a hiker’s car here:
Find the Hidden Animals
What would you do if this happened to you?
Source: https://outdoors.com/hiker-returns-to-car-to-find-this-what-would-you-do/