Haunted Hikes: 11 Spooky Trails that Pass through Cemeteries
Screaming children, bloody soldiers, and being pushed by something unknown—all of these sounds, apparitions, and sensations have been reported on hikes that intersect with cemeteries around the U.S.
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Want in on these haunted hikes this Halloween? Check out these 11 hikes to get your spook on outdoors.
Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery – Illinois

A phantom farmhouse, phantom vehicles, and orbs are among the apparitions visitors to the Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery have reported seeing on this trail. If you visit after dark, a floating black dog may chase you away, especially after 10 p.m. This cemetery was featured on an episode of Ghost Adventures in September 2012.
- Distance: Approximately 0.5 miles
- Location: Midlothian, IL
- Difficulty: Easy
- Elevation Gain: Negligible
Bloody Lane Trail – Maryland

Home to one of the deadliest Civil War battles in 1862, this trail is where around 23,000 men were killed, wounded, or went missing. Along the bridge, on the Final Attack Trail, down Bloody Lane, and amongst the unmarked graves, ghosts of the soldiers have been seen limping along. Singing, gunfire, screaming, and the smell of gunpowder have also been reported by visitors. The sound of military drums at night have also been heard.
- Distance: 1.6 miles
- Location: Antietam National Battlefield, MD
- Difficulty: Easy
- Elevation Gain: 108 feet
Bonaventure Cemetery – Georgia

Built in the mid-1800s, the Bonaventure Cemetery is reportedly guarded by a pack of ghost dogs searching for prey. A life-size statue of young Gracie Watkins, who died of pneumonia in 1889, is a famous burial site within this cemetery. It’s said that Gracie haunts visitors with tears of blood streaming from her eyes. Her spirit is nice if you offer gifts, including money, flowers, or other small items. If you offer a gift, she is said to protect you from the pack of feral dogs.
- Distance: 2.2 miles out and back
- Location: Savannah, GA
- Difficulty: Easy
- Elevation Gain: 65 feet
Cabelands Trail – North Carolina

Eno River State Park is full of rich history, from homesteads to cemeteries. The Cabeland Cemetery can be found off the beaten path of the main trails in the park and is not marked. In the broken-down cemetery, ancestors of the Cabe family are said to haunt the grounds. Visitors have heard voices and seen apparitions. The abandoned Cabe Mill, also not marked, can also be found by searching off the main trails. The search through thick vegetation, around downed trees and roots, just add to the eeriness.
- Distance: 1.9 mile loop
- Location: Eno River State Park, NC
- Difficulty: Easy
- Elevation Gain: 200 feet
Cullinan Park Trail – Texas

Dense trees that void the trail of sunlight, moss that seem to come down to grab you, and a 200-year-old cemetery are all part of the easy but spook-filled hike along the Cullinan Park Trail. The Hodges Bend Cemetery features old crumbling tombstones dating back to the mid-1800s. Most of these are from Revolutionary War soldiers who appear to be restless in death.
- Distance: 2.9-mile loop
- Location: Sugarland, TX
- Difficulty: Easy
- Elevation Gain: 26 feet
Graveyard Fields – North Carolina

While this 3.5-mile loop trail doesn’t pass by any cemeteries, the landscape looks like it is covered in gravestones. The sight may make your skin crawl, but in reality, those “gravestones” are just tree stumps left over from fire and logging. This easy route is perfect for kids and leashed pups.
- Distance: 3.5-mile loop
- Location: Asheville, NC
- Difficulty: Easy
- Elevation Gain: 450 feet
Long Path Cemetery to Cheesecote Mountain Town Park – New York

Once home to the Letchworth Asylum, which shut down in 1996, this section of the 358-mile Long Path takes you from Thiells, New York to the Letchworth Village Cemetery. There are hundreds of numbered graves with no names along the path. Screaming children have been heard along the trail near the cemetery, not to mention ghostly figures that have been reported to follow hikers along the path. The abuse and polio vaccine drug trials that occurred at the institution were documented by ABC News in the 1970s.
- Distance: 5.8-mile out and back
- Location: Letchworth, NY
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Elevation Gain: 1,063 feet
Meriwether Lewis Loop Trail – Tennessee

The Meriwether Lewis Loop, part of the much-longer Natchez Trace trail, is 4.5 miles long. Along this loop trail, hikers will see a small cemetery and the Grinder House—an 18th-century cabin that was once the home of Meriwether Lewis, an American explorer known for his role in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. This route is hikeable year-round, and leashed dogs can also join in the fun at the spooky and historic site.
- Distance: 4.5-mile loop
- Location: Hohenwald, TN
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Elevation Gain: 479 feet
Norton Creek Trail/Noland Creek Trail – North Carolina

Along the trails of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, there are over 200 cemeteries and tales of many paranormal activities. While you hike towards the Lower and Upper Norton Cemeteries, keep your eyes open for Spearfinger—the witch from Cherokee legend. She wanders the trail looking for children, the story goes. With a finger made of stone with a knife on the end, she reportedly loves to eat children, and you may hear her singing lullabies. If you escape Spearfinger, you may be guided by the light of a settler who was killed by American Indians while searching for his daughter after dark.
Note: This trail is closed through November 2023 due to construction.
- Distance: 18.5 miles
- Location: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC
- Difficulty: Difficult
- Elevation Gain: 2,550 feet
Stull Cemetery – Kansas

With a long history of witchcraft and cults, the Stull Cemetery—also known as a gateway to Hell itself—has a reputation for being one of the most haunted cemeteries in the United States. Visit the tombstone bearing the name “Wittich” to feel invisible forces. Who knows, you might even visit on one of two days a year the Devil is said to make an appearance here. Visit the gateway to Hell during visitor hours only or face a big fine and jail time.
- Distance: Approximately 0.5 mile
- Location: Stull, KS
- Difficulty: Easy
- Elevation Gain: Negligible
Violet City Lantern Tour and Heritage Walk – Kentucky

For another haunted hike, take the Heritage Walk or Violet City Lantern Tour, a guided tour within Mammoth Cave National Park that leads to the Old Guide Cemetery. Buried in this cemetery are formerly enslaved people, cave guides, and others who died in the cave. The ghosts of these people are said to haunt the grounds, especially notable former guide, Steven Bishop. Visitors have felt pushes and grabs, rushes of cold air, heard voices, and seen apparitions.
- Distance: 3 miles
- Location: Mammoth Cave National Park, KY
- Difficulty: Easy to moderate
- Elevation Gain: About 400 feet
Do you dare take one of these haunted hikes through a cemetery?
Source: https://outdoors.com/spooky-trails-pass-through-cemeteries/