‘Hank the Tank’: 500 Pound Bear Captured after 21 Home Invasions

Wildlife biologists have caught a 500-pound black bear near Lake Tahoe that is suspected of 21 home invasions, according to NPR. The bear, nicknamed “Hank the Tank,” has been causing chaos in a California town since February of 2022. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife said that Hank the Tank is a “severely food-habituated bear.”
Hank, a female bear, was safely immobilized, and will be heading to Colorado to the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Springfield. Relocation is uncommon because the animal can cause “conflict behavior to a different community,” according to California Wildlife Agency. Her cubs will most likely be sent to the Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue.
Though Hank has caused extensive damage, she has gained quite the internet following.
Source: https://outdoors.com/hank-the-tank-500-pound-bear-captured/