Grand Design RV Hosts Toys for Tots Event in Elkhart, Ind.

Community members gathered at Grand Design RV Saturday to conduct a Toys for Tots event. (Photo: Steve Wilson/Goshen News)
ELKHART — Cold, gray Saturday weather didn’t deter volunteers from heading out helping sort toys and books for the holidays for kids in Elkhart County for this year’s Marine Corps Toys for Tots program, according to reporting by the Goshen News.
Grand Design RV hosted the event inside its Elkhart facility, which got underway around 9:30 a.m. After being dropped off at collection points around the county, toys and books were brought to Grand Design, where volunteers sorted them prior to the distributions days, which will be Dec. 17-18.
A matching kid count to a toy count will determine how many toys each kid gets, with hopefully at least one book per kid, and leftover donations will be donated to area ministries.
Wes Young, who has coordinated the event for the last five years, and been involved in the Elkhart County program since 2013 and in DuPage County, Illinois before that, described the event as a “last big hurrah,” as Saturday was the last day the program would accept donations for this year.
“We have more toys than we’ve had in a couple of years,” Young said shortly before 10 a.m. “We’ve been quite busy.”
Cassie Guffey of Grand Design coordinated the event at the company side, and was on hand helping out Saturday.
“There’s a lot of people donating this year,” Guffey said. “It’s awesome. It’s nice to see that in a downturn that people still have it in their hearts to give.”
Click here for the complete Goshen News report.