Dutchmen Donates Open House Display Plants to Local Parks


Ronda DeClare, left, director of Elkhart County Parks, with Kyle Kwasny, president of Dutchmen RV.

If you made it to the Dutchmen RV display at the Elkhart RV Open House, you may have noticed the company’s display plants: Tiger’s Eye sumac, Shenandoah grass, Beautyberry, and more in their fall glory colors. Dutchmen has since donated those same plants to Elkhart County Parks.

“After researching the cost of renting plants against the cost of purchasing and donating, for Dutchmen the decision to donate the plants to our local parks aligned with our charitable values and sustainability initiatives,” stated Kyle Kwasny, president of Dutchmen. “Now, generations can enjoy them in our local parks.” 

Dutchmen worked with the Elkhart County Parks and a local nursery to use plants native to the Elkhart County region. In addition to trees and grasses that will be planted in the parks, decorative flowers used at the event were also donated to the Elkhart County Parks sensory garden. 

“The Elkhart County Parks is honored to receive these native cultivars to plant in our landscaped areas within the various parks. We appreciate how Dutchmen is being sustainable with the reuse of the landscape materials from the Elkhart RV Dealer Open House and are happy to give the plants a home” stated Ronda DeCaire, CPRP, director of Elkhart County Parks. 

The Elkhart County Parks welcomes 350,000 visitors annually with an opportunity to connect with the many benefits of the outdoors. To learn more about the Elkhart County Parks visit Home – Elkhart County Parks 

Dutchmen RV is a division of Keystone RV, a subsidiary of THOR industries. Dutchmen produces several brands of towable RVs that are sold throughout the United States and Canada. Dutchmen brands include Aspen Trail, Kodiak, Voltage, Colorado, Yukon, Atlas, Astoria,  and Coleman brands. For more information on Dutchmen and its brands visit www.dutchmen.com.


Source: https://rvbusiness.com/dutchmen-donates-open-house-display-plants-to-local-parks/