Drone Footage Captures Moment Dolphins Surround a Turtle

Frank Santos had the good fortune to come across a cool interaction while out on the ocean—a pod of dolphins encircling a sea turtle. Dolphins are curious creatures, and this group was definitely curious about the turtle as they surrounded it and circled it.
Santos identifies the dolphins as Atlantic spotted dolphins and the sea turtle as a loggerhead. None of the animals showed aggression, just interest.
“The dolphins apparently didn’t get to touch the turtle, but [the turtle] still didn’t look too eager to approach them,” Santos wrote in his Instagram caption. “Then the group went on route and left the turtle alone.”
The top-down drone footage provides a spectacular view of the unique interaction—one we normally wouldn’t be able to see from this angle, or at all. As the dolphins swim in circles, the turtle swims in circles, too, providing a mesmerizing visual.
Watch dolphins surround a sea turtle here:
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Source: https://outdoors.com/drone-footage-captures-moment-dolphins-surround-a-turtle/