Des Moines to host Iowa’s 18th annual state archery tournament, beginning Feb. 28 – Outdoor News

An estimated 2,200 students from more than 140 schools from across Iowa will be in the Richard O. Jacobson Exhibition Center (Bullseye) and the 4H Building (3D) at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines from Feb 28 to March 2, to participate in the 18th Annual National Archery in the Schools Program State Tournament.
This is the largest youth archery tournament in Iowa.
Iowa student participation in the National Archery in the Schools Program has grown each year beginning from scratch in 2006 to now more than 4,800 participants in 2025.
“The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) is one of the finest youth sports programs in Iowa. It teaches discipline, focus, and perseverance while giving students of all skill levels an opportunity to excel. NASP not only promotes physical activity but also fosters confidence, personal development, and an appreciation for the sport of archery,” said Zach Benttine, archery coordinator for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
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Competition begins Friday at 5 p.m., then resumes at 8 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday for the bullseye and 3D competitions. There will be 50 targets set up for bullseye, which will allow 100 participants to shoot at a time. There will be 30 targets set up for 3D, which will allow 60 participants to shoot at a time.
Admission is $5 for those 19 and older; 18 and younger are admitted for free.
Archers shoot for college cash & equipment
Archers participating in the Iowa Archery in the Schools Program can earn money for college. More than $10,000 will be awarded in college scholarships based on performance at the state tournament.
An additional $13,000 will be awarded outside of the state competition to archers participating in the program based on academics, essays, and other established criteria.
In addition to scholarships, teams receiving placement at the state tournament will also be eligible to receive an estimated $18,000 in equipment for their schools.
Scholarships are provided by Iowa Hunter Education Instructor Association, Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever, Whitetails Unlimited, Iowa Bowhunters Association, Safari Club International, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Haney Family Foundation, Chuck Hallier Memorial, and the National Archery in the Schools Program.
For more information on the Iowa Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) visit