Deadlines to remove ice shanties approaching on Wisconsin waters – Outdoor News

Madison, Wis. — The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds ice anglers of the following deadlines to remove their permanent ice shanties, or those that aren’t removed daily, on inland and boundary waters.
Ice shanties must be removed from state waters by the following dates:
- Wisconsin – Iowa boundary waters on or before Feb. 20
- Wisconsin – Minnesota boundary waters on or before March 1
- Inland waters south of Highway 64 by March 2
- Wisconsin – Michigan boundary waters on or before March 15
- Lake Michigan, Green Bay, Lake Superior and inland waters north of Highway 64 by March 16
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Portable ice shanties can still be used after these dates, so long as they are removed from the ice when they are not actively in use. Details on when all shanties need to be removed are in the Guide to Wisconsin’s 2024-2025 Hook and Line Fishing Regulations.
If you need help removing your shanty, contact local fishing clubs, vendors and other anglers. Owners who don’t take responsibility for removing their shanty should be reported to the DNR Violation Hotline by calling or texting 1-800-TIP-WNDR or 1-800-847-9367.
No ice is 100% safe. Ice anglers should check with local fishing clubs and bait shops for current ice conditions before removing their shanties, as the DNR does not monitor ice conditions.