Camping with Kids Expectations vs. Reality (Funny Video)

Camping with kids is the best, but it’s also sometimes the worst. All kidding aside, it is generally a lot of work to go camping, especially when you have kids. We all do it for the good times, the core memories made hiking and exploring with the kids, and we just try to ignore the rest of it—right, parents? A funny video perfectly sums up camping with kids expectations vs. reality.
Evan Berger and Kevin Laferriere are @thedumbdads on Instagram. They post funny videos about the circus that is parenthood. A recent video featuring Berger pokes fun at the camping-with-kids experience. The video starts off showing camping with kids expectations.
“Did everyone get a good night’s sleep and plenty of warm breakfast?” Berger asks. “Thank you for helping clean up by the way. Camping is so easy and fun!”
Then, the reality check.
Berger is the only one on screen, but he acts out a handful of scenes typical of camping with kids, like urging your kids away from the fire (while looking haggard) and trying to convince them not to get in the hammock with you. Oof, so relatable.
At the end of the video, Berger pretends to be on the phone ordering pizza delivery to their campsite.
Watch the camping with kids expectations vs. reality video here:
Do you go camping with kids? Which scenarios would you add to Berger’s skit?