Black Book: Wholesale RV Values Mixed as Spring Arrives

Black Book, which publishes a family of vehicle appraisal guides, has released the Black Book RV market commentary for April. 

“Most areas of the country are beginning to enjoy milder Spring weather, and that always gets shoppers headed out to the dealerships,” reported Eric Lawrence, Black Book principal analyst – specialty markets. “The average auction prices of the segments we track moved in opposite directions last month, but I think that may be due largely to the changes in the relative average ages of the vehicles; motorhomes were a little older and towables were a little newer than the month before. We expect auction volumes to increase going forward as dealers begin to see more trade-ins.”

Lawrence added, “Taking a closer look at the markets, we see that the average selling price for motorized units was $62,690 which is down $4,849 (7.1%) from the previous month.  Towables came in at $21,077, up $1,536 (7.8%) from last month.  One year ago the average motorhome sold for $76,332 and the average towable unit brought $20,938.”

Auction volume was up: motorhomes increased 5.6% while towables rose 0.1% and the average age age of motor homes was twelve years old (2011) and towables was five (2018), Lawrence concluded.
