Alone in the Wood: 2022 Saw An Increase in Solo Camping

The increase in people getting outside means more people are willing to spend time in the wilderness alone. According to a new study, more than one out of four people are happy to camp alone.
The data comes from a report from the Dyrt, a camping resource app. The survey found 28% of people in 2022 camped by themselves compared to campers in 2021 and 2020.
The report also found that avid campers are even more likely to go solo, with 36% willing to camp alone to satiate their desire to be outdoors. In the report, an “avid camper” is someone who takes more than 11 camping trips a year.
Camping solo gives people extra freedom, like choosing your hikes and campsite, but there are also some safety precautions to remember.
One article focused on solo travel suggests:
- Do some research before you go so you’re prepared.
- Tell people where you’re going so at least someone knows where you are. This advice is essential if you’re heading somewhere without phone service.
- Download or have paper maps as a backup resource if technology fails.
Some other interesting items from the report include the fact that 50% of campers like to be fairly spontaneous and book a camping site less than a week before going. Also, age significantly influences how people camp, with the 65 and older crowd dominating the RV scene and middle-age people often opting for glamping.