‘RVing Today’ Show Highlights RecPro and Go Power! – RVBusiness – Breaking RV Industry News

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Looking to get off the grid and do a little boondocking? On this episode of the “RVing Today” show, Jeff Johnston explains all about the Go Power! Portable Solar Panel Kit and how easy it is to set up and use. Then, Kate Dunbar, the program’s Campground Gourmet, whips up a perfect campfire dessert in a Dutch oven: her delicious apple pear crisp. Think you’d like owning a vintage trailer? It might be a good idea to stay in one for a few days, just to make sure. Johnston takes viewers to The Vintages RV Resort, where you can do just that — for a night or a complete week — before you decide to buy one. And, with one of the prizes in the show’s big Double Holiday contest being your choice of a RecPro couch or twin recliners, it looked to be a perfect time for Mark and Dawn Polk from RV Education 101® to show everyone just how easy RecPro Charles furniture is to install. It all makes for a great segment!
Source: https://rvbusiness.com/rving-today-show-highlights-recpro-and-go-power/