8 Parent-Approved Camping Games and Activities For Kids
Taking your family out on a camping trip is sure to create many memories that will last a lifetime. Check out these parent-approved games and activities from Amazon that’ll keep the whole family entertained.
1. Hoyle Waterproof Playing Cards – $7.50

Card games are a great way to spend time together on a quiet night in, so why not bring them to the campsite? Even better, bring a set of waterproof cards that won’t get destroyed. Made from 100% waterproof plastic, these cards are easy to shuffle and are hand-washable.
2. 3-in-1 Giant Checkers and Tic Tac Toe – $24

Sometimes, playing a super-sized version of a childhood game is all you need to have a little bit of fun. With checkers, tic tac toe, and super tic tac toe, this large game mat is sure to keep the family entertained during your next camping trip. The game board and chips are safety-test approved, non-toxic, and BPA-free. The game mat will make a great addition to your summer backyard parties and to any outdoor adventure.
3. Exploding Kittens Throw Throw Burrito – $25

This one-of-a-kind dodgeball card game will make a great addition to family game night—at home or in a tent. Players try to collect matching sets of cards faster than their opponents for a chance to win. Oh, and you’ll be ducking and dodging plush burritos at the same time. Whether you’re a group of old friends looking for a fun way to reconnect or your little ones are about to have their first game night, this game is sure to be a hit.
4. Elite Sportz Ring Toss Outdoor Yard Game – $30

Made with five rings for ultimate fun and competition, this game is easy to set up and can be played almost anywhere. Great for playing with young kids who are developing their hand-eye coordination, this ring toss game will help develop motor skills or just bring more enjoyment to your next outdoor party.
5. GoSports Ladder Toss – $33

This ladder toss is easy to set up and made with thick, pre-glued PVC targets. The bolos are made of soft rubber, making them kid-friendly and safe for indoor use. The strings are made from an extra-thick rope, which helps prevent tangles. This GoSports set also includes scorekeeping cards to faciliate friendly competition when you’re playing with your friends and family.
6. SpikeBall Standard 3 Ball Kit – $70

If you’re tired of playing the same old games on your camping trips, it’s time to purchase SpikeBall. A combination of volleyball and foursquare, this game is easy to learn but hard to master. SpikeBall is perfect for your next camping trip, or it’d make a great gift for your camping buddies.
7. SPORT BEATS Large Tower Game Life Size Lawn Yard Outdoor Game – $38

It’s like Jenga, but it’s giant. The numbered blocks help you keep track of all the pieces, which is handy when there are kids in the mix. Play with two to four players of mixed skill levels, and it’ll still be fun for all. Made from pine wood, these blocks have been hand-sanded and could easily be painted or stained, if you want to personalize your set.
8. Kan Jam Disc Toss Game – $40

Great for the campsite or the backyard, Kan Jam is an American-made outdoor game similar to cornhole and horseshoes. The goal? Be the first person or team to reach 21 points (or you can get an instant win if you go through the Kan slot). The game is easy to store and set up and will make for easy packing if you decide to bring it camping.
Which of these games and activities would you most like to bring camping? Tell us in the comments below.