10 Top Picks For Clean, Environment-Friendly Sunscreens

When the heat intensifies and the sun’s UV rays become stronger than ever, it’s crucial to prioritize your sun care habits. Although sunscreen should be built into daily skincare routines by now, I get it if you’re a little late to the game. Ideally, choosing a non-toxic sunscreen that steers clear of harmful chemicals and minimizes its impact on our oceans is the way to go. These are called “clean sunscreens“, and in this guide I’ll dive into all you need to know about them—including the 10 best to buy and use all year long.
If you care about the well-being of your skin and our oceans, then this list of the best clean sunscreens is for you. Read on for a quick rundown of the important points to know when shopping, and for our top picks. I’m here to help you make informed decisions about safeguarding your skin and the environment.
The Importance of Sunscreen
For all skin types and tones, protecting yourself from harmful ultraviolet rays is important. There are more significant risks associated with unprotected sun exposure, beyond looking like a cooked lobster. In addition to being mindful of reef preservation, it’s crucial that your sunscreen blocks both UVA and UVB rays.
These two types of ultraviolet radiation can adversely affect your skin and overall health. UVA rays, with their longer wavelength, penetrate deep into the skin, even on cloudy days, causing long-term damage, premature aging, and skin cancer. UVB rays are shorter and more intense, leading to sunburns, immediate skin damage, and the development of the most severe forms of skin cancer. Look for the term broad spectrum spf on sunscreen labels, as it signifies protection against UVA and UVB rays.
Source: https://fieldmag.herokuapp.com/articles/best-clean-sunscreen