Sound on: Here’s What an American Wolverine Sounds Like

What sound do you think comes out of an American wolverine? It’ll probably surprise you. The Center for Biological Diversity recently shared a video captured by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife that includes one of these animals growling.
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Videos by Outdoors
“Did you know? #Wolverines, the largest land-dwelling species in the mustelid family, are famous for their daring and tenacity—they’ve been known to prey on animals as big as moose,” writes the Center for Biological Diversity in its LinkedIn post sharing the video.
Though they’re not large animals, if American wolverines can prey on moose, they must be pretty ferocious, right? Do you think their sound reflects that ferociousness?
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Turn your sound up to listen to a wolverine sound here (Note: They make a joke first. Stick around for the real sound about 10 seconds in):
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