Pennsylvania Mixed Bag: Forest Service to decommission water wells – Outdoor News
Bradford, Pa. — The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service plans to decommission out-of-service water wells at four boat-to campgrounds in the Bradford Ranger District of the Allegheny National Forest. The sites are located at Handsome Lake, Hooks Brooks, Hopewell, and Pine Grove Boat Access campgrounds in Elk and Mead Townships of Warren County.
Prior to 2017, all four campgrounds, only accessible by boat or trail, offered public drinking water through drilled water wells with handpumps. Water samples drawn from the wells did not consistently pass water quality tests.
In 2017, to comply with state and federal drinking water regulations, the pumps were made inoperable. In 2022, the well casings were capped. Proposed activities to decommission the wells include removal of concrete pads, cutting well casings off below the ground’s surface, plugging wells and regrading sites.
Gdovin is New Luzerne Co. Game Warden

Harrisburg — Griffin Gdovin recently assumed the role and responsibilities as the game warden in Luzerne County.
Assigned to Cameron County upon graduating from the Game Commission’s training school in 2023, Gdovin recently transferred to the Northeast Region, and assumed his duties on Jan. 4.
Gdovin, a native of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, is a 2016 graduate of James Coughlin High School and attended Wilkes University.
State game wardens are responsible for administering a wide variety of Game Commission programs within an assigned district of about 350 square miles.
Barn Owl Featured in Art Contest
Harrisburg — The Game Commission has announced its 2026 Working Together for Wildlife Art Contest, with entries due by May 2. The 2026 featured species is the barn owl.
Artists can use whatever mediums and materials they choose. All submissions for the contest must be submitted by email to
[email protected].
The artist whose painting is selected for the 2026 Working Together for Wildlife fine art print series will receive $5,000. The artist submitting the second-place painting will receive $1,500; third place, $1,000; fourth place, $800; and fifth place, $500.
Official rules about the contest are available on the Contests page of the Game Commission’s website. Each artist must be a Pennsylvania resident.
For more information, contact the Game Commission at 1-833-742-9453.

PF&BC Stresses Safety on the Ice
Harrisburg — The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission on Jan. 14 conducted ice rescue training on a frozen pond at Boyd’s Park, located in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County, near here.
As many bodies of water across the state are now frozen or partially frozen, the commission is reminding everyone about ice safety. Waterways conservation officers say whether you are ice fishing, waterfowl hunting, skating, or just walking on the ice, there are a few things to remember.
Always make sure the ice is at least 3 inches thick, wear a life jacket, never walk out onto moving bodies of water, and never go out onto the ice alone. While ponds and lakes can have safe ice for recreation, never go out onto rivers or creeks that have current, which can sweep you under the ice.
Grants for ATV, Snowmobile Projects
Harrisburg — The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources recently announced nearly $1.4 million in new grant funding to support the following all-terrain vehicle and snowmobile projects:
– Bedford County commissioners: $115,000 for a countywide ATV Trail Plan.
– Rock Run Recreation: $269,200 to maintain and construct 140 miles of ATV trails at Rock Run Recreation Area in Chest Township.
– Renovo Borough: $975,800 for the development of Memorial Park in Renovo, including an ATV trailhead, campsites and parking area.
– Presque Isle Snowmobile Club: $30,730 for equipment to construct and maintain 26 miles of snowmobile trails in Erie County.
– Wales Sno-Drifters: $11,400 for equipment to maintain and construct 50 miles of snowmobile trails in Erie County.