New York Mixed Bag: Women’s Bowhunting 101 workshop offered at Camp Sagamore – Outdoor News

Raquette Lake, N.Y. — The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Becoming an Outdoors Woman program is offering a special bowhunting workshop Oct. 4-6, at the Great Camp Sagamore, in the Adirondacks. Participants will earn their NYS Bowhunter Education Certification.
DEC says the event will be taught entirely by women while staying at the historic Great Camp Sagamore. The course is open to all women, and girls ages 12 who are accompanied by an adult. The program includes all archery and crossbow techniques including treestand safety, use of hunting gear, blood trailing, 3-D target shooting and more.
The cost is $440 per person. To learn more, visit:
Bear harvest expected to be on par with previous seasons in New York
Dan Ladd: Get informed before New York’s hunting seasons arrive
NYSOWA Welcomes College Applicants Form Bob McNitt Memorial Scholarship
Stony Brook, N.Y. — The New York State Outdoor Writers Association Bob McNitt Memorial Scholarship Fund is welcoming applications for a $1,000 academic scholarship. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a college curriculum related to journalism, the outdoors, or the environment.
All applicants are expected to approve of and understand the need for ethical methods of environmental conservation of our natural and wildlife resources. Included in these practices would be seasonal hunting, fishing and trapping for the various species in a conscientious effort to control and establish healthy and continuing populations of these species.
Application forms can be found on the NYSOWA website at: Click on the “Scholarships” tab. The completed application should be sent to NYSOWA Scholarship Committee member David Taylor, Stony Brook University, 50 Pinehurst Blvd. Calverton, NY 11933 or sent via email to [email protected]. The deadline for submission is Sept. 30.
Last year’s scholarship winner was Abigail Larabee, a junior at Paul Smith’s College studying fisheries and wildlife biology. NYSOWA’s Bob McNitt Memorial Scholarship Fund also supports DEC’s Becoming an Outdoors Woman workshops, and summer camping opportunities for youth.
Draft Plans Released For Black Pond, Dexter Marsh WMAs In Jefferson County
Henderson, N.Y. — DEC has released a pair of draft Access and Public Use Plans for Black Pond and the Dexter Marsh Wildlife Management Areas, in Jefferson County.
The Black Pond WMA encompasses 551 acres on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario and is part of a 17-mile stretch of barrier beach consisting of beach, dunes, and emergent wetland. The WMA is designated as significant coastal fish and wildlife habitat and is listed as an Important Bird Area by Audubon New York.
The Dexter Marsh WMA consists of 1,241 acres in Jefferson County, which New York State acquired in 1969. The expansive marsh found on the WMA is a popular fish and waterfowl area. Northern pike, bass, and panfish are found in the shallow to deep water, and a variety of ducks, black terns, shore birds, and marsh waders utilize the sparse cattail marsh which characterizes this Lake Ontario Bay.
The public is invited to provide comments on both draft plans through Aug. 30. Comments can be mailed to NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife, Region 6, 317 Washington Street 7th Floor, Watertown, NY 13601, or emailed to [email protected].
Acquisition Will Create Grape Hollow State Forest in Dutchess County
Beekman, N.Y. — DEC and Trust for Public Land (TPL) recently announced the acquisition of 505 acres in Dutchess County. The new land acquisition will create the Grape Hollow State Forest, providing enhanced wildlife habitat protection and a larger buffer for the adjoining Appalachian Trail corridor.
TPL acquired two properties in the towns of Beekman and Pawling in 2023: a 405-acre property previously at risk for development and known as Depot Hill; and a 100-acre parcel in the Girl Scouts’ Heart of the Hudson Chapter’s Camp Ludington property. TPL recently conveyed the land to DEC to manage as State Forest, which guarantees public access and the permanent protection of wildlife habitat. The new state forest will provide an expanded natural buffer and view-shed protection for the adjoining Appalachian Trail Corridor.
DEC purchased the parcel using $1.3 million from the State’s Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) and $1.3 million provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through the Highlands Conservation Act.
Controlled Waterfowl Hunt Application Period Open For or Two Vermont WMAs
Addison, Vt. — The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department his holding controlled waterfowl hunts at Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area in Addison and at Mud Creek Wildlife Management Area in Alburgh. The hunts will take place Oct. 15-17.
Controlled goose hunting at Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area will be by lottery drawing with hunting zones assigned at the time of the permit drawing. Hunting waterfowl at Mud Creek will also be allowed courtesy of a lottery drawing only, and blind sites will be assigned at the time of the permit lottery.
Applications must be submitted via email at [email protected] or postmarked and returned no later than Aug. 30 to the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, 111 West Street, Essex Junction, VT 05452. A drawing will be held Sept. 6.