Viral Video Shows Bobcat Going Bananas Over a Box

What kitty cat doesn’t love a good box? Even bobcats love them, apparently. Rustic Acres Wildcat Rescue (RAWR), a Rhode Island nonprofit sanctuary that rescues wild cats, shared a video of one of its forever residents, a bobcat named Manka, playing in a cardboard box just like a regular house cat. It’s adorable, and the video from December has over 1 million views.

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“Some snowy zoomies, a brand new box, and some purrs from Manka,” wrote RAWR in its Instagram post. “What could be better?”

Anyone watching the video who has a cat can understand Manka’s joy. She jumps into the box, rubs up against the side, rolls around, then just stands in it like it’s the best thing ever. Despite being a fierce predator, this bobcat proves wild cats are still cats.

See a bobcat in a box here: 

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