Will the Bobcat Make It? Wild Cat Attempts an Impressive Leap

Ryan Olivier watched a bobcat walk out on a weir (a barrier built across a river to help control the water level) and poise for a giant leap across a gap. But the wild cat can’t make it that far, can it? Olivier had his camera rolling as the bobcat went for it.
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Videos by Outdoors
“Out on the water one day and this huge bobcat comes out on the weir, does he make the jump?” asks Olivier in his YouTube post sharing the viral video a few years back.
What do you think? Can the bobcat successfully make this leap, or will it splash into the river?
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Watch the bobcat give it a try here:
Find the Hidden Animals
Source: https://outdoors.com/will-the-bobcat-make-it-wild-cat-attempts-an-impressive-leap/