Ohio Mixed Bag: Sportsman’s Expo will run March 14-16 in Columbus – Outdoor News

Columbus — This year’s Open Season Sportsman’s Expo at the state fairgrounds will run from March 14-16.

The event, formerly called the Deer and Turkey Expo, is held at the Ohio Expo Center.

Show hours are Friday, March 14, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday’s hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday the show will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For more information, log onto OpenSeasonSportsmansExpo.com.


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Second CWD Case Found In Indiana

Bloomington, Ind. — The Indiana DNR (DNR) has confirmed Indiana’s second positive case of chronic wasting disease (CWD). CWD is a neurological disease that affects deer, resulting in their eventual death. The positive, wild white-tailed deer was a 2.5-year-old male harvested in Posey County.

CWD has been detected in wild deer in 36 states, including all states bordering Indiana.

During the 2025-26 deer season, the Indiana DNR will enhance its surveillance efforts in Posey County and the surrounding counties to determine the extent of disease in this area.

This will allow biologists to develop a targeted response based on the prevalence of CWD in this part of Indiana. CWD testing will be voluntary for hunters in this area.

OHTEIA Marks 20-Year Anniversary At Annual Banquet

Delaware, Ohio — On Feb. 22, the Ohio Hunter Trapper Education Instructors Association (OHTEIA) held its annual meeting/banquet. In attendance were Division of Wildlife Chief Kendra Wecker, hunter education coordinator Matt Ortman, many other Division of Wildlife officials, and the shining stars who are all the very dedicated volunteer instructors from all around the state of Ohio. Guest speaker was Jim Abrams, author of A Crusade For Conservation: A 150- year History of the Ohio Division of Wildlife.

This year, OSTEIA honored Terry Yinger with a Lifetime Achievement Award, acknowledging his many years of service with OHTEIA as a founding member and his many great contributions toward the organization. These accolades include serving as past president for many years and currently serving as the group’s treasurer. OHTEIA is marking its 20-year anniversary in 2025, according to President Ed Crosby.

Hunter Education Instructor Courses Planned Throughout Ohio

Columbus — The Ohio DNR (ODNR) Division of Wildlife is offering training academies across the state for those interested in becoming hunter education instructors. The two-day academies certify instructors to teach Ohio’s Hunter Education Courses, which cover a range of topics from conservation, safety, ethics, and proper handling of hunting equipment.

Upcoming instructor certification academies are:

Northeast Ohio: Saturday, March 8 through Sunday, March 9, Division of Wildlife District 3 Office, 912 Portage Lakes Drive, Akron.

Southwest Ohio: Saturday, March 8 through Sunday, March 9, Spring Valley Wildlife Area Shooting Range, 3570 Houston Road, Waynesville.

Central Ohio: Saturday, July 12 through Sunday, July 13, Division of Wildlife District 1 Office, 1500 Dublin Road, Columbus.

Northwest Ohio: Saturday, Aug. 9 through Sunday, Aug. 10, Division of Wildlife District 2 Office, 952 Lima Avenue, Findlay.

There is no cost to participate in the hunter education instructor academy, but all participants are required to complete a background check prior to the start. To register, visit wildohio.gov.

Participants are required to attend both days of training, be at least 18 years of age, and have successfully completed the online hunter education course. The online hunter education course can be completed at hunter-ed.com/ohio/.

Ohio Hunter Injured In Indiana

Brookville, Ind. — Indiana conservation officers are investigating a Feb. 24 incident that resulted in an injured Ohio man being flown to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.

At approximately 10:30 p.m., the Franklin County 911 Communications Center received a call regarding a hunter who had suffered a severe leg injury near the Garr Hill boat ramp.

Conservation officers and other public safety workers responded and located Scott James, 65, of Fairfield, Ohio. After receiving medical assistance from the first responders, James was flown to the medical center by UC Health AirCare.

Precautions Urged For Spring Burning

Columbus — The Ohio DNR (ODNR) Division of Forestry is urging Ohioans to follow the state’s outdoor burning regulations and to take precautions if they plan to burn debris this spring. Ohio law dictates that most outdoor burning is prohibited in unincorporated areas from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. March through May.

Ohio’s seasonal 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. outdoor debris burning restrictions run in the spring from Saturday, March 1 through Saturday, May 31. The restriction, which is detailed in Ohio Revised Code 1503.18, applies to open burning in unincorporated areas.

Incorporated areas like cities and villages may have different restrictions, and additional temporary restrictions may be issued if wildfire danger becomes extremely elevated.

Be sure to check all state and local restrictions.

Source: https://www.outdoornews.com/2025/03/11/ohio-mixed-bag-sportsmans-expo-underway-in-columbus/