Pennsylvania artist wins Ohio duck stamp competition – Outdoor News

Columbus — A painting of hooded mergansers will be featured on the 2026 Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp following this year’s stamp design competition.
Gerald Putt’s painting of the waterfowl, known for the beautiful fan-shaped crests on their heads, was chosen as the winner of the 2025 Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp design competition, according to the Ohio DNR (ODNR) Division of Wildlife.
A panel of five judges selected Putt’s painting from a field of 22 pieces of art. Artists from 11 states entered the contest: Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota.
Putt, of Boiling Springs, Pa., is a first-time winner of the competition. Second place was awarded to Jeffrey Klinefelter, of Etna Green, Ind., a six-time winner of Ohio’s contest, for a painting of hooded mergansers. Jocelyn Beatty, of West Middlesex, Pa., (2018 Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp contest winner) won third place with a wood duck painting.
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The stamp design competition has been held in conjunction with the Ohio Ducks Unlimited annual convention since 1996. The judges for this year’s event included: Larry Imhoff, wildlife photographer and retired teacher; Mike Bohling, Lake Erie marsh owner and retired pilot; Matt Shumar, avian ecologist at Ohio State University’s School of Environment and Natural Resources; Stephen Matthews, associate professor at Ohio State University’s School of Environment and Natural Resources; and Jacque Dille, chair of the Guernsey County chapter of Ducks Unlimited.
The Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp program has raised more than $11 million for wetland conservation since 1982. Proceeds from stamp sales help fund vital wetland habitat restoration projects. Those projects have restored or enhanced thousands of acres of waterfowl habitat. These habitats are important to many wildlife species, including ducks, swans, sandhill cranes, shorebirds, and amphibians.
The Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp is $15 and is a required purchase for anyone 18 years or older looking to hunt waterfowl in the Buckeye State. The stamp is also purchased by many birders who want to contribute to wetland habitat. For more information, visit
The first Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp was designed in 1982 by well-known Ohio artist John A. Ruthven and featured two wood ducks. Since then, notable winning artists have included Harold Roe and Adam Grimm. In 2024, Ray Easton won his first contest with his painting of a bufflehead. The stamp featuring that art can be purchased beginning in March through the Ohio Wildlife Licensing System.