Tire Pressure Firm TST Hosts Display at RV Hall of Fame


Pictured (L to R) are Bear Musgrave, TST president; Mike Benson, national sales manager; and Mike Fox, sales/dealer training. (Photo: TST)

ELKHART, Ind. – San Antonio, Texas-based Truck System Technologies (TST), a leader in tire pressure monitoring and automatic tire inflation systems on March 22 conducted a demonstration at the MH/RV Hall of Fame in Elkhart.

TST team members, assisted by Hall of Fame staff, set up a display of the original prototype RV-ATIS (automatic tire inflation system) along with information panels, said Bear Musgrave, TST president.

“This system is the first of its kind for the RV and light duty trailer industries,” he said. “The information panels explain the operation of the system and have detailed information regarding the testing and results.”

The TST-507 kit.

He noted that OEMs who looked over the display were impressed.
“Each OEM who has seen the Automatic Tire Inflation System has been impressed by how simple the system is, how well it works and is amazed at the safety factor that ATIS brings to the RV Industry and it’s customers,” he said.

The RV-ATIS supplies air pressure from an on-board air compressor and tank, Musgrave explained. Regulated at the control box, filtered air is calibrated to deliver air at the desired cold pressure setting. Utilizing a hollow axle, air is routed through the axles to the wheel-ends, where air flows through the rotary union and tire hoses into the tires.

A wide-screen color display provides simultaneous, real-time alerts for tire pressure and temperature and TST’s expandable options make it easy to monitor tires on not only travel trailers, but side-by-sides, ATVs, motorcycles, dune buggies, golf carts and marine, livestock and utility trailers.

Musgrave said the system has no equal in the industry.

“Frankly, there is no comparison to TST. We are the only company able to bring automatic tire Inflation to the industry,” he said. “Coupled with our market leading tire pressure monitoring system, TST is the only company who can tell an RVer that there is a tire problem, while simultaneously doing something about that problem.”

Source: https://rvbusiness.com/tire-pressure-firm-tst-hosts-display-at-rv-hall-of-fame/