Bear in Russia Slaughters 35 Dogs, Then Kills a Father and Son

A vicious bear attack in Russia resulted in too many lives lost. On Monday, a brown bear fatally mauled an 87-year-old man and his 56-year-old son after breaking into their home in Luchegorsk, a town in eastern Russia. Reports suggest the attack on the two men came on the heels of a brutal killing spree the day before, during which the same bear killed 35 dogs at an animal shelter.
After the mauling on Monday, the New York Post reports that local police shut the area down while they tried to track the violent bear. Graphic photos show the bear shot dead on the ground, suggesting they were successful in ending its reign of terror.
One expert told the U.S. Sun that the bear’s behavior was atypical, and it’s possible the bear was injured, ill, or rabid.
Learn more about the bear attack in Russia here:
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