Pennsylvania Mixed Bag: Work set for Kinzua Bridge Park Skywalk – Outdoor News

Harrisburg — The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources recently announced that it will be undertaking a rehabilitation of the Kinzua Bridge State Park Skywalk in McKean County.

A structural safety inspection determined that the Kinzua Bridge Skywalk is safe but needs maintenance to ensure its longevity, said DCNR Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn. She added that DCNR understands the skywalk experience is most spectacular during fall foliage season and visitors support local economies, so the multi-year project will not begin until after the season ends this year.

Kinzua Bridge State Park in McKean County offers visitors a chance to walk out and peer down for stunning views of the Kinzua Valley on a viaduct that was reimagined as a skywalk after being partially toppled by a tornado.


Stephen Smith appointed as Pennsylvania Game Commission’s executive director after Bryan Burhans resigns

Pennsylvania turkey hunters complete every slam recognized by the National Wild Turkey Federation

Fish information flowing in for Pennsylvania agency with new “Notice of Stocking” regulation in effect

Ruffed Grouse Society volunteers plant aspen seedlings
John Dzemyan, one of the Ruffed Grouse Society habitat leaders, instructing volunteers how to plant aspen seedlings. (Photo courtesy Ruffed Grouse Society RGS Volunteers Plant Aspen Seedlings)

Kane, Pa. — Twenty volunteers showed up April 7 to help plant aspen seedlings on a former water impoundment site at a reclaimed well pad managed by Seneca Resources Corp. on lands owned by Collins Pine Company, of Kane.

The planting site is about halfway between Kane and Wilcox.

Collins Pine Company actively manages its lands for sustainable wood harvest for society that also benefits wildlife.

The planting was sponsored by the Upland Bird Hunt and Allegheny Chapters of the Ruffed Grouse Society. Volunteers planted 350 18-inch aspen seedlings.

Learn More About Turkey Hunting from PGC

Harrisburg —Hunting turkeys is challenging, even for veterans of the sport. It can seem especially confounding to newcomers. But help is available.

Hunters are encouraged to by the Game Commission to visit the agency’s YouTube page and search “turkey hunting.”

That brings up a series of how-to videos covering everything from how to hunt, what gear to use and shot placement to how to work calls, how to be comfortable in the woods and safety.

Film on Aquatic Invasives, Lake Erie Watershed

Pittsburgh — A new documentary-style film has been published online by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program that highlights the many negative impacts of aquatic invasive species in Lake Erie and its watershed.

Interviews with Pennsylvania-based experts throughout the film showcase work being done to raise awareness about and mitigate the risks from invaders. Titled “Seeing The Unseen: Aquatic Invaders & What’s at Stake,” this film was produced by the Emmy Award-winning production company, Great Lakes Media.

Watch the film here.

PGC Sets Elk License Allocations for Seasons

Harrisburg — Jeremy Banfield, Game Commission elk biologist, told commissioners at their recent meeting here that the elk herd is “oscillating somewhere around 1,500, give or take about 150 animals.”

The agency still relies on an annual aerial survey to estimate the population using a plane equipped with a fairly sophisticated camera with a combination infrared-thermal as well and high-definition daytime camera. The plane flies over the five-county elk range on 500-meter transects, flying out of State College, he said.

That motivated the commission to set the elk license allocation at 65 bulls and 75 cows, Banfield revealed, split across three hunting seasons – archery, in the last part of September, general season first full week in November, and the late season is the first week of January 2025.

Point State Park Reopens Quickly After Floods

Pittsburgh — Point State Park here, impacted by two recent major flooding events, reopened quickly.

The Allegheny and Monongahela rivers at Point State Park reached flood levels of 28.37 feet on April 2, which is the highest level the park has experienced in 20 years, according to the National Weather Service.

The flooding reached the Monongahela Prominade and several feet onto the Great Lawn on the riverside of the park. Point was hit with a second round of flooding when water levels reached 25.9 feet April 13.

Point State Park Manager Jake Weiland said the unprecedented cleanup effort to reopen the park in record time would not have been possible without the incredible dedication of DCNR employees.
