Pennsylvania’s outdoor calendar – Outdoor News


Allen County Archers: 3D archery shoot third Saturday of each month. H. Kelley, 8 S. Seltzer St., Wapakoneta. For more info, call Howard Kelley, 419-953-2861. 

Beaver Creek Sportsman Club: 14480 Washingtonville Road, Washingtonville. For more info call Glenn, 330-770-8027. Every Monday Turkey Shoot, reg. 6 p.m.

Bolivar Sportsman’s Club Shoots: 11286 Bolivar Strasburg Road NW, Bolivar, Archery Shoots 1st Sunday of each month. Reg. 7 a.m.-2 p.m. For more, call 724-639-0360.

Clark County Sportsman’s Club: 3450 Ballentine Pike, Springfield, Ohio. For more info, call David McLaughlin, 937-631-9552. Tuesday and Sunday open to the public year-round. 

Clover Leaf Archery Club: 3D shoots 2nd and fifth Sundays year-round 7-11 a.m. at club in Quakertown. For info, call Randy Freed 267-253-1453.

Coshocton County Sportsmen’s Club: Every Tuesday Open Trap. For more info, call Karl Steiner, 740-763-2243. 

Kill’um Buck Longrifle Blackpowder Muzzleloader Shoot Club: 2260 E. West Salem Road, Creston, Ohio. For info, call Carole Fry, 330-435-4408. Meets the first Sunday of the month, 11 a.m.

McDonald Sportsmen: 2 trap, 2 skeet fields every Thursday 5:30-10 p.m. For info, 412-417-5151.

McDonald Sportsmen: Black powder cartridge rifle matches 1st Saturday of month through November 8 a.m. at club. For info, 412-417-5151.

Paletown Rod Gun Club: Thanksgiving shoot at 360 Axehandle Road, Quakertown. 12 or 20 gauge shotguns. Shells provided. For info, call Steve Clymer 215-872-0760.

Swatara Archers: Pine Grove. Third Sunday of every month archery shoots, 7-1 p.m. For more info, call 570-345-6254.                 

United Bowhunters of PA: 907 Derbyshire Ave. Mechanicsburg. For more info, call Gene King 215-287-5029.

West Chester Gun Club: Shoots 10-3 Sundays and 3-7 Tuesdays at the club. Call 610-696-4577.

West Shore Sportsmen’s Association: 500 Ridge Road, Lewisberry. HP Rifle, 9 a.m., one Sunday a month. Air Rifle, 6-8 p.m. Starts second Tuesday in September through last Tuesday in July. For info, or call 717-932-2780.


Allegheny County Chapter Izaak Walton League: Fourth Tuesday 6 p.m., Homestead United Presbyterian Church, Homestead. For more information, call Mike Stoudt, 412-461-5650.

Oil City Chapter Izaak Walton League: Third Monday 7:30 p.m., Old Monarch Park, Franklin. For info, call Ray Swidorsky, 814-676-1961.

Red Rock Chapter NWTF: Third Monday of each month, 7 p.m. Farmers Inn, Shavertown. For more info, call 570-825-9744.

Uniontown Chapter Izaak Walton League: Third Tuesday 6 p.m., Farmington. For more information, call Charles McCormick, 724-437-8121.

Unified Sportsmen Club of Pa.: Membership meeting noon Oct. 22 at Sinnemahoning Sportsmen’s Club. For info, 814-594-6238.

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