Watch as a Mother Deer Hides Her Fawn From a Hungry Coyote

A man in Oklahoma captured nature unfolding right on his property as a concerned deer watches a hungry coyote pace back and forth, looking for something to eat. The doe had her fawn hidden in a nearby grassy area.
The Oklahoma Dept. of Wildlife Conservation shared the video on their social media and said, fortunately, the fawn managed to fend off the coyote. The mother and doe are eventually reunited.
Wildlife officials say deer will often hide their babies. So, as a reminder, finding a fawn alone doesn’t mean it was abandoned. In fact, this is very common, especially in a fawn’s first 30 days of life. The tactic keeps predators away.
Deer are often found even in highly populated suburban areas, meaning the best hiding place could be in someone’s backyard. Wildlife experts say it’s best to leave the animal alone.
You should only intervene if you spot the doe near a dead fawn. Then you should local wildlife officials.