Ultra-Fab Products Adds Trailer Hub & Drums to Offerings


As part of its continued growth into the trailering market, Ultra-Fab Products has announced the availability of trailer hub/drums, the company announced in a release.

Raymond Padgett

“Our brakes were so well received by the market that it just makes sense to broaden our line by adding these hubs and drums,” said Raymond Padgett, vice president of sales and marketing at Ultra-Fab Products. “Not only was it a logical expansion but it is one that will benefit our customers. Our hubs and drums match the best quality on the market and our pricing has thrilled our customers.”

If you want to know more about Ultra-Fab’s new hubs and drums, you can find them on their website (ultra-fab.com) or you can download the company’s RV catalog (https://ultra-fab.com/3d-flip-book/rv-catalog/) or trailering catalog (https://ultra-fab.com/3d-flip-book/trailering-catalog/).

If you have any further questions, reach out to one of their product professionals at 574-294-7571 or by emailing [email protected].

Source: https://rvbusiness.com/ultra-fab-products-adds-trailer-hub-drums-to-offerings/